Shop by Brands - Magento Extension
Why use Shop by Brands on your Magento Shop by Brand extension for Magento enables you to create separate pages for brands presented in your store and link to them from product pages, thus making it easier for your customers to browse and shop by specific ... Version: 3.0.1 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
AITOC Added: 26/12/2011 Updates: 26/12/2011
Magento Booster - Magento Extension
Why you need to speed up a slow Magento store Studies and experience show that bounce rate and conversion rate are tied to the speed of your store performance. It’s a well-known problem that Magento takes a lot of time to generate even a simple page. ... Version: 2.2.0 Platform(s): Price: $99 Developer:
AITOC Added: 26/12/2011 Updates: 26/12/2011
Checkout Fields Manager - Magento Extension
The attributes can be added either separately for each checkout option or for both simultaneously. Data collected from customers can be displayed on order details page in both admin area and in customer’s account. With this extension you will also be able to add custom fields ... Version: 2.6.1 Platform(s): Price: $119 Developer:
AITOC Added: 26/12/2011 Updates: 26/12/2011
Advanced Permissions - Magento Extension
Advanced Permissions featuresEnables admin to assign Permission on product editing per category, store view and website;;Enables admin to assign Permission on categories editing per store view;Enables admin to Allow/Forbid product deletion;Allows for restricting order management per store view and website;Allows for restricting configuration management per ... Version: 2.2.9 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
AITOC Added: 26/12/2011 Updates: 26/12/2011
Layered Navigation Pro - Magento Extension
Layered Navigation Pro features:Adds layered navigation to your website home page;Uses breadcrumbs-like categories display adopted from;Enables your customers to shop by multiple attributes in a category;Enables your customers to filter search results by multiple attributes;Highlights current selection directly in the filter block;Allows customers to ... Version: 2.2.14 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX Price: $89 Developer:
AITOC Added: 23/12/2011 Updates: 23/12/2011
MLM Software For Network Marketing
MLM Blaster software contains everything needed to successfully manage your online MLM Operation including customizable membership features, advanced genealogy tracking, full payment and transaction system, shopping cart and support tracking module plus more our Software is customized by our developer to fit your exact need. ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $2500 Developer:
Sankalp Tech Added: 16/12/2011 Updates: 19/03/2014
Alagad Image Component
The Image Component is a 100% native ColdFusion component used to create and manipulate image files. The Image Component requires almost no effort to install and use. Simply place the component into your custom tags directory or any directory in your site and then instantiate ... Version: Platform(s): Price: Free Developer:
Alagad Inc. Added: 14/12/2011 Updates: 14/12/2011
Raven Developers
Raven Developers started taking baby steps in 2005 as a small IT company in the Banyan City of Gujarat (Vadodara). Raven Developers has since grown from a "team of two" to a company now internationally recognized for its excellence in both design and technical know ... Version: Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX,Sun Solaris Price: $ Developer:
Anirudh K. Mahant Added: 12/12/2011 Updates: 12/12/2011
A collection of web tools which allow the user to create customized cut-and-paste JavaScript code through simple online forms. Users can create popup windows, customize style sheets, build tables and more. Version: Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix Price: Free Developer:
Chris Bowyer Added: 29/11/2011 Updates: 29/11/2011
AS3 Radio Buttons Group
This is a minimalist radio buttons group - highly customizable - easy to integrate in any AS3 Flash project. It can be used by drag and drop, and the design can be changed by altering it's movieclips directly in the FLA. Version: 1 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix Price: $6.00 Developer:
Flabell Added: 26/11/2011 Updates: 26/11/2011
Remote Assistant
Remote Assistant is designed to help developers in providing customers with better help & support over the Internet or LAN. Remote Assistant software is very simlpe to use and has several advantages. - It requires NO configuration or administration at the remote site and very little ... Version: 2.09 Platform(s): Price: $99.00 Developer:
Michael Baytalsky Added: 26/11/2011 Updates: 26/11/2011
Sell Downloads with PayPal
Sell Downloads with PayPal is an powerful software. Automatic payment and digital products delivery to your customers. Version: Platform(s): Price: $ Developer:
mutual Added: 22/11/2011 Updates: 22/11/2011