Social Bookmarking Script
Agriya MarkIt is a perfect social bookmarking script such as digg clone, delicious clone, reddit clone that enables you to build an effective social bookmarking site in any niche or broad market for letting users save bookmarks online and tag them with keywords. Version: 1.0 Platform(s): Linux Price: $197 Developer:
Aravind Kumar Added: 24/06/2009 Updates: 24/06/2009
Kootali - Social Networking Software
Kootali is a powerful social networking software which allows you to build an online community site to communicate with others within your locality, school, college or work place. Version: 2.0.9 Platform(s): Linux Price: $217 Developer:
Aravind Kumar Added: 24/06/2009 Updates: 24/06/2009
Social Bookmarking Script - Digg Clone Script
MarkIt is the perfect social bookmarking script that enables you to build an effective social bookmarking site in any niche or broad market, for users with bookmark sharing and private options. This script will allow you to build a community in any niche. For example, ... Version: 1.0 Platform(s): Linux Price: $197.00 Developer:
Aravin Kumar Added: 25/04/2009 Updates: 25/04/2009