Push Notifications for Magento 2
- Send push notification to customers via browsers - Support common browsers - Display pop-up message on top of the screen without opening website - Able to tailor message, add URL, and upload images for each notification template - Schedule the notification with time picker feature - Create a dashboard ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Magento 2 Gift Card extension
- Create gift cards as a new product type - Upload and edit your own gift card templates - Create and customize gift code pattern/ generator - Flexibly add gift card value and price - Easily manage all gift code accounts - Limit the lifetime of gift codes - Buy and ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $119 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Hide Price for Magento 2
- Hide price and replace Add to Cart button with a custom message - Disable Add to Cart button and redirect customer to custom URL - Disable price or Add to Cart button separately - Hide price for child product of configurable product Version: Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Store Credit for Magento 2
- Be able to add store credit to any customer account - Allow customers to spend their store credit for purchases both on shopping cart and checkout page - Permit buyers to use credit for shipping fee or tax - Restore to store credit when an order is ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Refund Request by Customer for Magento 2
- Allow customers to send a request for refund in the Order section of Customer Account Page - Accept or reject the refund request in the backend Request Detail Page - Manage and view customers’ refund requests on a convenient grid - Send email to customers to notify ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Quantity Dropdown for Magento 2
- Allow customers to choose quantity from quantity dropdown list - Enable to use product quantity increment value for quantity dropdown list - Allow admin to input custom value for quantity dropdown list - Show product price in quantity dropdown list Configure to hide quantity value which is larger ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Product Images by Customer for Magento 2
- Allow registered users and guests to upload product images to Magento websites - Automatically send admin notification emails when customers upload images - Easily manage uploaded images by customers in a grid of the backend - Approve/disapprove/delete one by one or multiple customer image requests - Set up ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Product Attachments for Magento 2
- Freely upload various types of downloadable files - Be able to attach multiple files to a product and assign a file to multiple items - Restrict file attachments display by customer groups and store views - Limit file size and the number of downloads for a file - ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Layered Navigation for Magento 2
Layered navigation with multi select for Magento 2 - AJAX product filter for fast loading speed - Flexible product attribute display modes - Layered Navigation for Magento 2 by price range with slider and input box - More Shop By option with product filter by rating attribute Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Import Export Product Attributes for Magento 2
- Import multiple product attributes at one time via a CVS file - Provide the sample import CSV file for users to download and follow - Validate the import CSV file before importing - Display messages to notify errors when importing - Export all product attributes at once or ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Import Export Wishlist Item for Magento 2
- Import products to wishlist in bulk via a CSV file - Offer the most standard sample CSV file for admin to enter wishlist item data - Import all related wishlist data: products SKU & quantity, users information, store views and so on - Export all products in ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Guest to Customer for Magento 2
Automatically create account after checkout for new Magento 2 guest users - Provide a checkout grid to save guest user information - Allow admin to assign new converted customers into specific customer groups - Assign previous guest orders with the same emails to customers - Customize notification ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018