Magento 2 Cash On Delivery Per Product/Category
Magento 2 Cash on Delivery Per Product/Category module helps the store merchants to provide cash on delivery options per product and per-category specifically. So, after integrating this module the store owner is capable of selecting products and categories they desire to allow cash on delivery ... Version: 1.0.0 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX,Sun Solaris Price: $29 Developer:
MageComp Added: 09/09/2020 Updates: 09/09/2020
Magento 2 WebP Image Support
Magento 2 WebP Image Support Extension by MageComp offers the Magento 2 store owner to effortlessly upload WebP images from the backend. Featured module equally helps in boosting the performance of the store and improves the user experience. Any quality images whether it is a ... Version: 1.0.1 Platform(s): Linux,Windows Price: $79 Developer:
MageComp Added: 14/07/2020 Updates: 14/07/2020
Magento 2 Square Payments
When you are in the market for choosing the best payment gateway option in the USA then square up payment method is definitely in your list. Cause Square payment provides the functionality to accept payment through all kinds of cards and even works with the ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $99 Developer:
MageComp Added: 23/10/2019 Updates: 23/10/2019
Magento 2 Order Status Extension
Is your store lacking to provide informative and understandable order statuses to your customers? Magento 2 Order Status extension by MageComp allows you creating unlimited informative order statuses from backend. It helps making order processing transparent and inform customers immediately after every order status change. Why ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
MageComp Added: 06/08/2018 Updates: 19/10/2019
Magento 2 Wepay Integration Extension
Are you collecting payments from customers on your site? Want to provide more security of payments to build trust for customers? Magento 2 Wepay Integration allows you to collect secured and faster payments from all credit cards and bank accounts. It helps building trust by ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
MageComp Added: 06/08/2018 Updates: 19/10/2019
Magento 2 Mobile Login Extension
People always love convenience whether it is case of login, payments or anything. Default Magento provides registration and login through Email ID which sometimes creates mess with users as they may have multiple Email IDs and they may forget with which ID they have registered ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $99 Developer:
MageComp Added: 06/08/2018 Updates: 19/10/2019
Magento 2 Alipay Cross Border Payment
Majority of Ecommerce stores in the world accept online payments through credit cards. But in China, Alipay serves as a primary tool for customers to pay online. MageComp has integrated Alipay Cross Border Payment gateway with Magento and come up with Magento 2 Alipay Cross ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $149 Developer:
MageComp Added: 06/08/2018 Updates: 19/10/2019
Magento 2 Delivery Date
According to the survey, not getting product deliveries on desired dates is one of the reasons for cart abandonment. Serving customers till product purchase is not enough, convenient delivery options are also desirable in many cases such as sending gifts on special occasions, getting products ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $19 Developer:
MageComp Added: 06/08/2018 Updates: 19/10/2019
Magento Mobile Login extension
In this tech savvy world, people have become more mobilize. Rather than Email IDs, people tend to use phone numbers for website registration and login. Default Magento doesn’t provide mobile login facility but store owners are in desperate need to provide users with convenience and ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
magecomp Added: 06/08/2018 Updates: 06/08/2018
Magento SMS Notification Extension
SMS is considered one of the most preferred way to enable notification, obviously it increases level of customer service and improves shopping experience. Research shows that SMSs have greater open rate and read rate than emails and thus considered most powerful tool to enable notifications. ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
magecomp Added: 06/08/2018 Updates: 06/08/2018
Eway Recurring And Subscription Payment
Magento eWay Recurring Payment Extension is a perfect solution if you want to use recurring feature of magento with eWay payment gateway. You can configure the subscription or recurring on the basis of daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis Recurring feature is beneficialf for both customer ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $299 Developer:
magecomp Added: 06/08/2018 Updates: 06/08/2018
Magento Social Login Extensions
A lot of information required to create a new account on magento store, it can discourage Customers from doing signups and checkouts on your website. Why don’t you enable them to log in by their social accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, and Yahoo? ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $19 Developer:
magecomp Added: 06/08/2018 Updates: 06/08/2018