Joomla RSS Feed Reader
Joomla RSS Feed Reader: RSS feeds reader is a brilliant module for Joomla community by which website owner can get the feeds by entering the feed URL 1 - Fully dynamic and user can input any site RSS URL 2 - Admin control like width, height and ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 25/01/2014 Updates: 25/01/2014
Twitter Auto Publish
Twitter Auto Publish: these Plug-in shares Joomla Article to twitter on article save. Twitter Auto Publish is a simple but powerful extension for Joomla that automatically tweets your new articles or updated article to your twitter page With our extension, you don’t need to go to ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 21/01/2014 Updates: 21/01/2014
OpenCart Banner Slider
OpenCart Banner Slider- is an awesome module by which you can add any number of images in the slideshow. Features: 1 - Slick effect, no Flash needed 2 - Adjust Width and Height as per your ease 3 - All the modern browser supported like IE-6, 7, 8 ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 06/01/2014 Updates: 06/01/2014
Magento Auction
Magento Product Auction - Magento Auction module will enable auction feature for your shop with brilliant time counter. Features: * Dynamic Bid addition for Magento * Dynamic Timer counter * List of all bidders in the admin panel * Dynamic selection of the winner * Bidder will get the notification for ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 30/01/2014 Updates: 30/01/2014
Magento Marketplace Advance Report
Magento Marketplace Advance Report - module is very useful for both admin and seller to check the reports and data for the marketplace. Magento Report module also explains the data in Google chart with different types of charts pattern like PIE Chart etc. Chart module ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 14/01/2014 Updates: 14/01/2014
PrestaShop Auction Module
PrestaShop Auction Module - Now you can also auction your product to sell them on best customer price, by this module you can put you r product on auction, can put the timer and choose the maximum bid. Features: Backend Feature: • Admin can choose which product to ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 15/01/2014 Updates: 15/01/2014
PrestaShop Marketplace Membership add-on
PrestaShop Marketplace Membership add-on - This module enable admin to provide seller membership option and can charge subscription fee with seller, Seller can be of gold /silver/bronze member type. Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 17/01/2014 Updates: 17/01/2014
Backup Manager
Backup Manager: Backup Manager is a PrestaShop module that lets you take backup of your files and database. It is easy to use and on single click you can take backup of files and database both. Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 24/01/2014 Updates: 24/01/2014
Joomla Theme Global Marketing
Joomla Theme Global Marketing - WebKul welcomes you to our new Joomla templates gallery! Here, you will find free, professional design for all major Joomla versions including Joomla 3 templates. We add new, fresh designs in order to provide you with large variety of templates ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 21/01/2014 Updates: 21/01/2014
Google Rich Snippets
Google Rich Snippets: This plug-in insert the Google Rich Snippets in VirtueMart and Joomla article. This Rich snippets info will be displayed under the link at Google search. It’s support the below feature. For VirtueMart - Show price - Show product rating - Price of ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 27/12/2013 Updates: 27/12/2013
Google Rich Snippets for VirtueMart
Google Rich Snippets for VirtueMart: This plug-in insert the Google Rich Snippets in VirtueMart and Joomla article. This Rich snippets info will be displayed under the link at Google search. Its support the below feature. For VirtueMart - Show price - Show product rating - ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 25/01/2014 Updates: 25/01/2014
PrestaShop Advanced Marketplace by WebKul
PrestaShop Advanced Marketplace - This module can turn your PrestaShop store into an advanced marketplace site. Sellers can create their shops and upload their products on your PrestaShop store. Sellers can have a complete shop link, profile page, etc.Features:• Customer can request to become seller• admin need ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 15/01/2014 Updates: 15/01/2014