Article Previewer
Article Previewer- Brilliant Joomla Module to show case your article, also module support for images and HTML content display in the same preview slideshow with full URL to the article page. Features: Working with all Joomla version including most latest one No use of flash totally based on ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 13/11/2013 Updates: 13/11/2013
Magento Bulk Price Update
Magento Bulk Price Update- This module is very useful module when you want to change the price of complete catalog. Magento special price is does not full fill all the demand of bulk price update. This module will change the catalog base price. Features: • Works with all ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 22/10/2013 Updates: 22/10/2013
Magento Development India
Magento Development India: WebKul is leading Magento development company in India. We have created more than 2000+ E-commerce store and more than 500+ Magento Modules. We have created custom modules from range of areas like from social media apps to complex customer partner solutions from ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 15/11/2013 Updates: 15/11/2013
Autoload modal box
Autoload Modal Box- Plug-in will enable to open content in beautiful modal window with HTML and Embed support.Features:? Working in all modern browsers? Draggable Modal box? Load content in modal box? HTML support and Embed Video Support? Cookies and on every page load support Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 13/11/2013 Updates: 13/11/2013
CB Friends List
CB Friends List- This module shows the all friends list of user with profile image. When you visit any user profile then it shows their friends list like other social networking site. Configuration features: 1. Set image size 2. Set height for scroll for more users Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 18/11/2013 Updates: 18/11/2013
Ajax Registration Pro
Ajax Registration Pro- is an extended version of Ajax Registration, improve your Joomla! Register form. Installation: Just install the component then check settings and that's all. Features: * Password strength check * Check username already exist before post * Check email already exist before post * MVC Architecture * ReCaptcha Enabled * No ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 13/11/2013 Updates: 13/11/2013
Content Modal Box
Content Model Box - Module will display your joomla article content in beautiful modal box with accordion effect for multiple articles in a single modal box window. Features: 1 - All browser working 2 - jquery driven model box 3 - Dynamic content based on article id 4 ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 18/11/2013 Updates: 18/11/2013
Content Carousel
Content carousel: is one and only content carousel module in community where you can put the images and text simultaneously. In this module all the content will fetch from the joomla article manager you can add any section/category to fetch the data. Features: • All Modern ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 18/11/2013 Updates: 18/11/2013
WebKul Store Launches Re-Seller Program
Webkul Store Affiliate Program- if you are an individual or site owner and want to resell our products then here is the WebKul affiliate program ( for you and you can take the benefit of globe’s best selling open source marketplace with more than 20,000 ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 23/11/2013 Updates: 23/11/2013
Bookmark share
Bookmark Share- This module will enable your website visitors to share posts on a number of social networks like Facebook, Digg, Google-Bookmark, Delicious, DZone, reddit and retweet. Features: 1 - It supports all the modern web browser's like Firefox, IE-7, 8, Chrome, Opera etc. 2 - Very Easy ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 13/11/2013 Updates: 13/11/2013
B2B Marketplace
B2B Magento Marketplace- After creating world’s best B2C marketplace we are now going to release another mile stone Product B2B magento Marketplace. Here are some brilliant features for B2B magento multi wholesaler marketplace.Features:1 – Separate login for retailer/wholesaler2 – Separate sign-up for retailer/wholesaler3 – Mass ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 07/11/2013 Updates: 07/11/2013