Home » PHP Scripts » E-Commerce » Webnexs Magento Marketplace
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- Webnexs Magento Marketplace
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- 96
- 661
- Linux,Windows,Mac OSX
- MySQL,Microsoft SQL
- Commercial License
- $1199
- N/A
- 24/01/2018
- 24/01/2018
- webnexs
- https://www.webnexs.com/magento-marketplac...
- multi vendor marketplace magento marketplace
One of the best multi-vendor script in Magento 2, has been upgraded to Magento 2.0. Retaining the utile features and functionalities of the previous versions and adopting the cutting edge technology and improved coding liberty of Magento 2.0, the developers of webnexs Marketplace 2.0 have come up with an exciting list of advancements that any experienced e-commerce business owner or a new entrant would welcome.
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