Home » Flash » Components » Wall Photography Template
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- Wall Photography Template
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- Linux,Windows,Mac OSX
- N/A
- Commercial License
- $50
- N/A
- 14/06/2011
- 14/06/2011
- FWDesign
- http://www.flashcomponents.net/component/w...
- flash components xml actionscript template
Wall photography template is the ultimate solution for creating, editing and launching your website, no Flash knowledge required for setting up this Flash template and you don't need to have a copy of the software (ADOBE FLASH) , completely XML driven. You can set everything from a main .xml file and each photo and video gallery has its own .xml file making it extremely easy to update and maintain.
You can also visit the second version of this template: Wall Photography Template PayPal Shopping Cart
This Flash template uses deep linking. You will have a unique link for all the template sections generated dynamically based on the section name (e.g. you have the possibility to send to a client the link for a specific photo). This feature also enables the "back one page" and "forward one page" browser buttons.
This template works on PC but more important this is optimized for mobile as well, it will work on devices that have support for Flash Player 10.1 or higher, it will identify if the device has touch screen capabilities. It will work on a touch or mouse enabled device (please note that on some phones that have a small resolution it might not work but on a tablets it should work fine). Below there is a demo video showcasing the template running on a samsung galaxy tab, considering the complexity of this template the performance is really good!
Demo for mobile and touch screen devices
This product can be embedded in WordPress, Joomla or any kind of HTML content.
This template has a few important modules they are shortly described below.
Gallery module (e.g. beauty, commercial ...) - supports unlimited number of galleries, you can add or remove galleries as you please. This module can have galleries protected with password this mean that you can allow access only to specific users. At least one gallery must be present.
Video module (e.g. video collection) - supports only one video gallery for this module, an advanced video player capable of playing all Flash supported video formats (progressive download) and Youtube videos in any resolution and aspect ratio. This module can be removed.
Text windows module (e.g. about us and latest news) - supports unlimited number of text window modules, the text is formatted with html/css, if the text is to large a scrollbar with buttons will appear, you can add your own text and arrange it as you wish. This module can be removed.
Contact window module (e.g. contact us) - supports only one instance for this module, the text is formatted with html/css, you can add your own text and arrange it as you wish, also a contact form is included into this module. This module can be removed.
Logo module - a .jpg or .png file can be used as a logo, of course you can use your own file.
External links buttons module - these are the external links menu buttons, supports unlimited number of external links buttons, the url and the window target can be configured for each of them. This module can be removed.
Social networking module - you can add as many social networking buttons such as those from the top of the screen, load your own icons, configure the url and the window target. This module can be removed.
Sound button module - A sound button that stops and plays a .mp3 file, .mp3 file is configurable. This module can be removed.
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