Home » Ruby on Rails » Scripts » Velakor Notes
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- Velakor Notes
- 82
- 1538
- Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX,Sun Solaris
- Other Free / Open Source License
- Free
- 0.8.2
- 06/07/2009
- 06/07/2009
- Velakor Software
- http://velakor.com/?page_id=6
- ruby on rails application manager
Notes is a Ruby on Rails application designed to be a simple and fast to-do and notes manager.
The "Pages" section allows the creation of Notes and To-do lists (items in to-do lists are sortable); you can also add images and files to a "Page". A "Page" can be made public so that anyone can view it.
The "Tabs" section is a list of notes; while "Pages" are designed for temporary storage of information, the "Tabs" section is designed as a permanent archive of notes – also has search functionality.
The "Notepad" section is a simple text area where you can save temporary information.
The "Chat" section allows the creation of chat rooms; you can add users to each chat room. Chatting does not require refreshing the page in the browser.
The "Reminders" section is where you’ll set reminders: short notices delivered by e-mail at specified times.
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