Home » PHP Scripts » Classified Ads » Vacation Packages Listing Script
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- Vacation Packages Listing Script
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- 427
- 1646
- N/A
- Commercial License
- $49 / $99
- 2.0
- 29/09/2011
- 08/10/2013
- Stivasoft / PHPjabbers.com
- http://www.phpjabbers.com/vacation-packages/
- php travel script classifieds
Vacation Packages Listing provides a simple and easy way for web admins to manage online content on travel agency websites: add/edit/delete travel deals, flight details, booking terms, gallery and vacation package description. Once installed it can be used without any programming skills. You can easily edit layout, manage email notifications, paid submissions and meta tags. You can easily translate the travel agency script and add multiple languages on the front-end. Available by default are: 2 design layouts, 3 front-end views, filters, Google maps integration and more.
Users can post reviews and rate the travel packages. Filters by rating, price, type and country are available by default. Users can also sort vacation packages by price and rating, and choose between list, grid or map view.
The travel script can be customized to suit the most exacting needs of a business owner or a webmaster. For experienced web developers and web designers we have the Developer Package which includes the PHP SOURCE CODE and allows you to make your own changes.
The travel script has built-in functionality for advertisers - paid submissions and owners accounts. Users can post and manage their own classified ads, make them featured and pay for listings. The script is integrated with Paypal gateway for easy online payment processing. Listing prices are defined as per admin preferences.
The setup is really easy and quick. An Installation script will install the Vacation Packages script onto your hosting account. Then use a simple code to embed the listings into any web page. Free installation support is included in both User and Developer packages.
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