Home » Web Design » General » Updated Claue Magento 1 & 2 Theme
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- Updated Claue Magento 1 & 2 Theme
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- 136
- 761
- Windows
- Flat File
- Shareware
- $89
- 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x
- 03/04/2018
- 03/04/2018
- Arrowhitech
- https://themeforest.net/item/claue-clean-m...
- clauemagentotheme
Elegant in the look, powerful inside out. Claue Magento 1&2 theme refers to all kinds of marketplace businesses that needs a feature rich and bright presence online. Theme is packed with all required M 1& 2 Extensions such as Instant Search, Look-book, Popup, Ajax Cart, Mega Menu, Daily deals, advanced reports, Quick view, color swatchers, Ajax cart, products questions M1, shop-by-brands…with No Price.Besides, Claue theme also is compatible with the following Magento 2 extensions by Aheadworks out of the box: Smart One Step Checkout, Layered Navigation, Automatic Related Products. So, when purchase the Claue theme you will get the 10% discount on the above Magento extensions . Please try our demo, feel it and enjoy your success.Big updates of MGS Front-End Builder supports you to create as many CMS page effortlessly. Easily create Homepage, Landing page, Ads Page, content Page… as you want at Front-end within few minutes. The new upgraded version is optimized for speed. Hence, your new created page will have the fast page load time. Supports 20+ homepage layouts and tons of options for shop, blog, portfolio, store locator layouts and other useful pages. Claue will meet & fit any kind of eCommerce sites as you imagine. Furthermore, it promises to bring a bright and organized Product Page with 5 + product Grid Types such as zoom & light box for Gallery, lazy-load, 360 product image view.
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