Home » PHP Scripts » Guestbook Scripts » Spam free PHP GuestBook script
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- Spam free PHP GuestBook script
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- 1178
- 5853
- Linux,Windows,Unix
- Freeware
- Free
- 1.2
- 05/09/2011
- 05/09/2011
- Archan Ghosal
- http://ramui.com/documentation/spam-free-p...
- guestbook php spam free
This spam free guestbook script has been written in popular PHP language. It supports MySql database for its operation. The special features of this script are,
It comes with an auto installer script which automatically installs the script on your server.
It has a very user friendly control panel from where administrator / webmaster can control all functionalities such as, maximum post size, maximum comment size, list per page, maximum no. of image per post, template used, etc. Script administrator also has controls to edit, delete, publish a post, ban or delete a user, etc.
Administrator can block the entire script with just one mouse click.
This script only allows registered users to post a comment or to reply a post. Registration process may be simple or may require email verification according to the option set by the administrator.
This script has a very simple user control panel from where registered users can alter his or her email address or password.
This guestbook script has a very nice looking BBCode interface which can accepts images, links, HTML code, etc. it has also the ability to automatically parse URLs. Users can see the preview of their post before submit.
This script effectively prevents spamming by recaptcha image verification method whenever user submitting a new post or reply.
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