Home » PHP Scripts » Classified Ads » SNetworks PHP Classifieds - Craigslist Clone
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- SNetworks PHP Classifieds - Craigslist Clone
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- 605
- 16739
- Linux,Windows,Unix,Sun Solaris
- MySQL,PostgreSQL
- Commercial License
- $23.95
- 5.7.5
- 21/09/2011
- 21/09/2011
- George Robert
- http://www.snetworksclassifieds.com
- classifieds ads script craigslist clone
SNetworks PHP Classifieds is a powerful, feature rich, easy to use, turn key classifieds ads website solution. Developed in PHP and MySQL, this classifieds script works similar to the most popular sites out there like Craigslist, BackPage, Loquo, Kijiji or GumTree. With quick and easy installation, configurable and streamlined user interface, and a powerful admin area it has got everything that you wanted from a script of its kind.As a site owner, you must be asking why you should be choosing our PHP classifieds software over the hundreds of classified scripts that already exist in market? The main reason is in fact very simple and straight forward, It has developed the software by thinking of customers satisfaction. If you are looking not only to setup a classifieds site BUT at the same time, generating a steady stream of revenues, then you have come to the right place!Sites like Craigslist.org and GumTree.com dominated the classifieds market mainly because of its straight-forward & user-friendly interface that makes posting and reading of classified ads easy as well as enjoyable. This is precisely why such classifieds websites are so popular amongst the online users as compared to the generic solutions offered by other competitors.
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