Home » PHP Scripts » RSS & XML » RSS Generator DW
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- RSS Generator DW
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- 25/09/2009
- 25/09/2009
- DWBooster
- http://www.dwbooster.com/web-site-promotio...
- rss generator channel automatically
DWBooster created a tool named RSSGenerator which is capable of generating an RSS channel automatically, based on the website structure.
Using RSSGenerator, you can define:
-Title or name that identifies the RSS channel
-Description of the RSS channel
-Interval (in seconds) in which the generated RSS file's content is considered updated. When a RSS file is requested, if it was generated in a period shorter than the one specified, the stored file is returned, otherwise, a fresh RSS channel is generated.
-RSS Start Page, the page where the RSS channel begins when it is generated.RSSGenerator uses the start page as a departing point to explore the website and generate an RSS channel based on the links that can be reached from that page (The start page's URL must be an absolute one, htp://...)
-Levels: must be an integer. Defines the amount of levels that RSSGenerator will explore. If that field's value is 1, then it will only explore the links on the page declared as Start Page.
-Penalized URLs, are URLs that will not be considered while exploring the website, during the process of RSS channel generation. If you wish to maintain some parts of your website private, all you need to do is list the relevant URLs in this section, and in that case they will not be explored even if they are linked to from the explored pages. (Penalized URLs must be absolute as well, http://...)
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