Home » PHP Scripts » Real Estate » Real Estate classified listing script for Property
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- Real Estate classified listing script for Property
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- 198
- 1314
- Linux
- PHP License
- $249
- 2.10.05
- 31/05/2014
- 09/06/2014
- Eicra Soft Ltd
- http://www.script4realestate.com/
- real estate script
Real Estate Script s a web-based Content Management System developed in php, mysql used by real estate companies to promote properties. Feature-rich, SEO-friendly, easy to use interface with Protected admin area to create, edit, and delete new listings with multiple images. For Real Estate Agents, real estate script provides a platform that can easily be used to create a dynamic site to display a portfolio of properties. Our real estate software has the necessary versatility and simplicity required for property owner websites. Best of all. it is a light weight platform keeps operating fast when viewing multiple property and performing searches. While you will still have the all the power you need to add as many listings as you like.Web Developers, you now have the perfect tool to meet the needs of clients involved in a variety of markets related to property. This gives you access to big-budget clients and can mean significant growth for your business. Eicra Real-estate is a CMS based property listing script is an easy to use PHP real estate script which lets you manage a real estate listing website or portal. Each Real-estate CMS caters a lot for SEO and performance. After purchase, the script can be installed on your server with lifetime license including 01 year free upgrade. You will have complete control over the script and your site as the site administrator. This unique web based real estate classified listing software that allows you to create your own property business portal or classified website. It is flexible enough to use for a variety of business models. Whether you are looking to start a regional , vertical or multinational industry specific complete professional and secure solution for classifieds property site. Every design is expertly crafted from scratch by our in-house design team. Every web template is tenaciously handcoded and tested by our in-house development team.
See for yourself.http://www.script4realestate.com/
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