Home » Visual Basic » Software » PDF Focus .Net
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- PDF Focus .Net
- 105
- 2841
- Windows,Unix,Mac OSX
- N/A
- Free Trial
- $578.00
- 3.0.3
- 24/06/2013
- 24/06/2013
- Maxim Sautin
- http://www.sautinsoft.com/products/pdf-foc...
- pdf documents convert format
PDF Focus .Net is the only ONE comprehensive .Net solution to convert PDF documents into various formats, such as MS Word, RTF, Text, Jpeg, Multipage-tiff, and so forth.
It sounds tall, but during the creation of PDF Focus .Net we kept in mind these things: it has to support all types of PDF 1.0-1.7, PDF/A, be hassle free, work as a standalone .Net assembly on every OS (Windows, Mac, Unix, and Android), and be the fastest in the world!
The main point of interest is that PDF Focus .Net totally simplifies the development of .Net applications where it is required to convert PDF docs. It reduces the tens of thousands of lines of code that are necessary for a developer (e.g. to convert PDF to Word in c#) to 3-4 lines.
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