Home » PHP Scripts » Article Scripts » MyArticles Script
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- MyArticles Script
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- 337
- 1651
- Windows
- Commercial License
- $35
- 1.02
- 31/01/2015
- 20/02/2015
- scriptcow.com
- http://scriptcow.com/website-script/myarti...
- myarticles directory script articles okeschool
MyArticles is a professional, powerful, simple, feature rich and fully customizable PHP script from Scriptcow to create an online Modern Article Directory Website without any coding knowledge.
Hurry Up! Create your very own articles directory website, like EzineArticles.com or ArticleDashboard.com, with very customizable Google Adsense income, in just a few minutes. MyArticles is a very quick and easy to install Software with full search engine optimized (SEO) URLs.
Main Features: Professional Comments system, admin panel for adding, editing, and removing categories and articles, SEO optimized (SEO friendly URL-s, Meta Tags), Secure Admin Login, Manag
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