Home » Mobile » Software » How Do I Develop a mobile food delivery app
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- How Do I Develop a mobile food delivery app
- 46
- 454
- Windows
- Commercial License
- $750
- N/A
- 03/02/2021
- 03/02/2021
- Allwin
- https://eatzilla.info/
- ubereatsclone ubereatsclonescript ubereatscloneapp ubereatslikeapp
There are two ways you can go about this. You can either develop it from the ground up, or, you could use something like an ubereats clone app. I personally think that using a clone app is the best way to go, and here is why.If you plan on developing the app from scratch, you’ll be spending around $10,000 to 15,000 dollars for hiring developers, designers, and all that. At the end of the day, you’ll be spending that kind of capital on just the app. You could do that of course, but that’s just unnecessary time and money being spent.If you use an uber eats clone, you can get away with spending around $5000 to 8000 dollars for the entire application, website, and all. You would have to customize the app for your course, most companies charge by the hour for that.There are many companies out there that provide uber eats clones. Just choose a company that is experienced in doing this kind of thing and that has good developers. Most companies would have a public portfolio posted on their websites so just be sure to check that out. Hope this helps.
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