Home » PHP Scripts » Guestbook Scripts » GuestBook Script PHP
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- GuestBook Script PHP
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- 418
- 3200
- Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX,Sun Solaris
- Commercial License
- $19.99
- 1.5
- 13/06/2010
- 09/05/2012
- ProfiAnts
- http://www.guestbookscripts.com
- guestbook script php simple website
If you need a place on your website for visitors to comment, you are at the right place.
GuestBook Script PHP is a script that is very easy to install and administer.
Visitors to your website can leave comments and feedback.
Features of GuestBook Script PHP:
* password protected administrator page
* converts easily to any language
* full control over the visual style
* simple one step installation
* easy to place on your webpage - copy and paste a single line of code
* select only the fields that you want to appear on the GuestBook form
* ability to set mandatory(required) fields on the GuestBook form
* emoticons support with show/hide option
* limit the number of characters in the comment area
* limit the number of comments per page
* sort the order of entries
* create a list of words that will be banned from the GuestBook
* create a list of IP addresses that will be banned from using the GuestBook
* prevention of HTML and javascript injections
* choose between two types of captcha antispam code - simple and reCaptcha
* 100% stop spam by using the reCaptcha image
* different captcha image themes to suit your website colors
* ability to approve comments/feedback before they are viewed publicly
* edit email address where all new entries notifications will be sent to
* option to send 'thank you' message to the commenter after posting
* RSS Feed validated by W3C
* full source code supplied
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