Home » PHP Scripts » Form Processing » Formation - Form Manager
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- Formation - Form Manager
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- Linux,Windows
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- Other Free / Open Source License
- Free
- 2.0
- 24/09/2009
- 24/09/2009
- Miles Johnson
- http://www.milesj.me/resources/script/form...
- form manager class
Formation is a lightweight class that can build all necesssary elements for a form, process the posted data (post, get, request), validate the data based on a schema and finally return a cleaned result.
Class Features:
-Create a form and all its field elements
-Manage all labels and fields with the correct IDs and associations
-Determines to correct tags for HTML or XHTML
-Supports all input types: text, textarea, password, hidden, file, radio, checkbox, select, image
-Has a large library of validators: alpha, numeric, date, time, ip, email, url, and many more
-Validates certain elements based on the supplied schema
-Cleans all data after a successfull validation
-Can set certain fields as required or optional
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