Home » Delphi » Report » dsReport
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- dsReport
- 177
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- Shareware
- $49.00
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- 07/04/2012
- 07/04/2012
- Grega Loboda
- http://delphistep.cis.si/
- report generator delphi
dsReport uses slightly different aproach to work with bands as other reports and can be interesting for that. It doesn't know anything about master or detail bands. It knows three types of bands. PrintOnce band, Loop and Group. Additionaly you can set band to be header or footer. You put bands one onto another to get the results you want. That means you can put as many bands as you want onto another. Group band operates differently as well. It prints as long group criteria is true. once false, it drops out. That means if you want to print groups you have to put group band on the loop.
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