Home » Tools & Utilities » Searching » CSIRO Arch
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- CSIRO Arch
- 108
- 2581
- Linux,Windows,Unix
- N/A
- Other Free / Open Source License
- Free
- 1.43
- 07/01/2013
- 07/01/2013
- CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science
- http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/softwar...
- extension search engine
CSIRO Arch is an open source free extension of Apache Nutch, a popular general purpose search engine that is capable of indexing billions of web pages using clusters of computers.
Arch Features
•Excellent search quality: Arch has solved the problem of providing good search results for enterprise web sites and intranets!
•Up to date information: Arch is very efficient at updating indexes and this ensures that the search results are up to date and relevant. Unlike most search engines, no complete 'recrawls' are done. The indexes can be updated daily, with new pages discovered automatically.
•Multiple web sites: Arch supports easy dynamic inclusion or removal of websites.
•"Setup and forget": Arch can be installed by one person with limited webmaster experience. Once it has been installed, it requires little effort to maintain.
•24/7 availability: Arch uses two indexes so that the search engine always has a working index. All crawling is done to a new index and switching to the new index happens only when the crawling has been completed.
•Document level security: Arch is easy to configure and can be set up so that some parts are restricted to different users. Users can find only documents that they have a permission to see - a must in enterprise environment.
•Customization:. Arch can be customized to specific requirements using either Java or PHP.
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