Home » JavaScript » Entertainment & Games » CrossFind
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- CrossFind
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- Windows,Mac OSX
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- 21/06/2009
- 21/06/2009
- Stevo Landis
- http://www.freewebs.com/stevolandis/downlo...
- game puzzle
I created this game, and then javascripted it onto the computer!
- To find the phrase or sentence hidden in the grid.
- Starting in the upper-left corner, at the bold letter, try to guess which letter is the next one in the phrase by clicking on it. You'll eventually find the entire phrase (hopefully).
- The letter must be above, below, or diagonal to the letter you're clicking off of.
- If you click a wrong letter, it'll turn red. If it's right it'll be green. A letter that's used later in the phrase will still turn red if you click on it & it's not the next letter. You can still use those!
- If you can't figure out the phrase, click on "Show Phrase" to see it. You can hide it again if you want.
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