Home » Java » Calendars, Date & Time » connectDaily Web Calendar
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- connectDaily Web Calendar
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- 369
- 1447
- Linux,Windows,Unix
- Microsoft SQL,PostgreSQL
- Freeware
- Free
- 5.0.0
- 02/05/2011
- 24/10/2017
- MH Software, Inc.
- http://www.connectdaily.com/
- calendar scheduling resources
A great looking web calendar that's easy to integrate into your web site. Features include mobile device support, WordPress Plugin, Facebook and Twitter sharing, email reminders, public and private calendars, Ajax & JSONP support, RSS, CSV import/export, and iCal support. Resource management including approvals prevent double-booking and making managing your facility a snap. Also available as a hosted service. connectDaily is ideal for:
* Resource Scheduling
o Vehicles
o Audio Visual Equipment
o Class Rooms
o Conference Rooms
o Ball Fields
* Corporate Events Calendar
* Training Calendars
* Parks and Recreation Calendars
* Church Calendars
* School Calendars
* Municipal and Community Events Calendars
Some of the features connectDaily includes are:
* Unlimited Calendars
* Unlimited Items per Calendar
* Customizable appearance, including colors, fonts, page headers, and page footers. Per item colors for all events.
* Resource utilization planning with conflict checking, approvals and Gantt chart views.
* Custom Fields
* Ajax Support
* RSS 2.0 XML Export
* iCal Import and Export
* CSV Import and Export
* Advanced recurrence support including exception dates.
* Calendars can be combined to make composite calendars. Any calendar can belong to any number of composite calendars.
* User and Group level security.
* Time Zone Support
* High performance. Web pages are compressed for ultra-fast load times.
Some of the recurrence types connectDaily can handle are:
* Weekly events (e.g. every Wednesday)
* Monthly Events
* the 2nd Tuesday of each month
* every other Thursday
* the last weekday of each month
* Specific Dates
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