Home » Delphi » Components » BusinessSkinForm VCL 7.X
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- BusinessSkinForm VCL 7.X
- 162
- 1657
- Windows
- N/A
- Commercial License
- $79.00
- N/A
- 14/04/2009
- 14/04/2009
- Almediadev
- http://www.almdev.com/
- skin theme
* open architecture for skinsrn* application can have one or different skins for windowsrn* run-time skin changern* nonrectangular, dynamically resizable windowsrn* cool external glow effects for buttons in form's caption (as in Windows Vista)rn* default style for forms, controls and menusrn* custom buttons in form captionrn* MDI supportrn* skin support for menus and hintsrn* advanced hints with title, image and multiline textrn* skin support for controls (label, buttons, speedbuttons, gauge, trackbar, panel, checkbox, radiobox, tab and page controls, grids controls, listbox, checklistbox, memo, edit, spinedit, dateedit, currency edit, combobox, comboboxex, treeview, listview, shell controls and others)rn* many controls can have nonrectangular kindrn* full skin support for all standard DB controls + additional DB controls (navigator, grid, ctrlgrid, edit, memo, combobox, listbox, lookup controls and others)rn* bitmap background for edits, memos and grids controlsrn* skin support for all elements in all controls and formsrn* skin support for shell dialogs and many others dialogsrn* skin support for printer dialogsrn* full skin support for all standard dialogsrn* enable/disable skin support for formsrn* skin support for messagesrn* Windows 2k, XP, Vista system alphablending support for forms, dialogs, messages, menus, hints, popup controls (layered windows)rn* stored skins in *.exe filern* creating your skins with special programrn* zip-compression support for skinsrn* zlib-compression support for skinsrn* tested in Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2003 Server, XP and Vistarn* support BilleniumEffects VCLrn* cool skins collections with full rights to use and distribute from your sitern* PNG-images support in all controls (internal support)rn* Unicode support (SkinAdapter VCL + TMS Unicode Components needed)rn* complete support for multimonitors systemsrn* support SmartEffects VCL (cool animation and transition effects in your applications)
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