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- Eicra Soft Ltd
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- azuwab2b
more at: http://azuwab2b.comAzuwa B2B Features==================If you want to start your own trading online portal then order AzuwaB2B, a full featured affordable trading marketplace software. It is plug-n-play highly sophisticated readymade marketplace software that helps to build a professional looking global trading portal soon after its installation. It offers great earning potential with lots of features. This business to business script can make a clone of any of the websites or international trading portals.AzuwaB2B includes interfaces for creating dynamic content that can be categorized and cross-linked with products. Now it's even easier for busy merchants who know that opening an e-business can grow sales and increase profits, but don't have the time or expertise to design and build a web site. Let our team of e-business experts get your web store ready to launch quickly. CLASSIFIED LISTINGB2B Marketplace ScriptCLASSIFIED LISTING - FRONTENDAdvanced tree structure explorer viewing of Category and Sub-categoryUnlimited number of Category and Sub-categoryIconified view of Sparse Hierarchy ViewComplete internal messaging.Completely configurable site colors, icons and graphics.Manufacturers & Suppliers ScriptCATEGORY LIST - BACKENDResponsive design pattern introduced with various events e.g mouse in and out events.Displaying Unlimited / Infinite Levels (depths) Structure of Categories.Pictorial presentation of category hierarchy.Search based on keywords, categories, posting dates, countries etc.PRODUCT LISTINGB2B ScriptPRODUCT LIST PAGE - FRONTENDHighly structured and response design.Search based on keywords, categories, posting dates, countries etc.Responsive presentation with better SEO attention.Easy navigation with members brand promotion.Voting, feedback and payment links gets visitor engaged increases sell opportunities for members.Customized B2B ScriptPRODUCT LIST PAGE - BACKENDBy grouping products in sets you can flexibly manage their publication in your storeQuick navigation area allows skim through without loading entire listing page.Suspend, ban or hide options ensure high control of product for both member and admin area.By grouping products in sets you can flexibly manage their publication in your store's homepage; e.g., display discounted products, bestsellers, new arrivals, etc.UNLIMITED MERCHANT ACCOUNTSB2B ScriptLIST PAYMENT GATEWAY - FRONTENDAbility to create unlimited merchant accountAdd to cart option with distributed payment model.Easy and fast checkout for better shopping experiencesCustomized B2B ScriptCURRENCY CONVERTER - BACKENDSite Admin can set his/her own currency to accept order.Admin enjoys full control to manage currency Exchange Rate.Admin enjoys supreme control to allow or disallow members ability to accept order.POWER OF E-COMMERCEB2B ScriptSHOPPING CART - FRONTENDAbility to support all local currency with maximum freedom of choice.Embedded auto currency converter engines.Customized B2B ScriptCHECK OUT - BACKENDAzuwaB2B supports many payment gateways allowing freedom of choicesMerchant can set their own Payment gateways.Members can customize their payment gateway parametersCustomized option to switch on / of payment modules from admin areaCOMPANY LISTINGClassified Marketplace ScriptCOMPANY LIST - FRONTENDStoreFront is a flexible, feature-rich platform that gives both business-to-business and business-to-consumer companies the ability to quickly.Search page filters allow visitors to quickly find / sort through available company by attributes such as name, state, category, package, country etc.Companies are spitted into buyer and seller. It is presented in both list view and details view with search options with maximum illustration.The AzuwaB2B store provides the capability to define multiple location types (corporate, retail, affiliate, subsidiary, wholesaler) and define multiple Companies to organize multiple locations within a hierarchy.B2B web applicationsCOMPANY LIST - BACKENDMembers Area allow you to easily manage store settings, product inventory, discounts and promotional offers.Powerfull search to frontend, admin and members area what allows you to find the most accurate and particular company within the very short span of time.Members Area allow you to easily manage, product inventory, discounts and promotional offers.AzuwaB2B includes many built-in components and content managment interfaces that are common for most B2C and B2B websites. These include components and content management tools for Store Locator and Events, Brands offered, Customer Testimonials, Product Registration, and Customer Accounts.Create groups of lists that have parent/child dependencies (levels). So, once an item is selected from a dropdown, its child dropdown automatically populates with the appropriate fields for that parent.BUYERS & SUPPLIERS LISTB2B PortalSUPPLIERS LISTOption to send / receive massage internally with each other within your own domain.Customized company home, profile, contact us page act as a landing pages under your own domain.Better spam protection and ensure high brand value.Extensive member management and company profile management console.B2B SoftwareBUYERS LISTBetter spam protection and ensure high brand value.Creates opportunity gets maximum attention of your buying offer with various parameters set.Better spam protection and ensure high brand value.AzuwaB2B shows your customers where they can locate your stores or where to purchase your products including geographical location information, contact information, online maps and driving directions.BUYING & SELLING LEADSBuyers & Suppliers ScriptBUYING LEADSDynamic Imaging Suite present products in their best light by offering multiple product images and a view larger feature.Search page filters allow customers to quickly sort through available products by attributes such as color and size.Dynamic Imaging Suite present products in their best light by offering multiple product images and a view larger feature.Advance product rating and response to review get more people engaged to it.Classified Product ListingSELLING LEADSProduct management gives you the flexibility to present unlimited products, categories and subcategories in a format that works for your products.Quick navigation area allows skim through without loading entire page.Inactive / active, hide / show, ban /allow feature gives you ultimate control of a listing to administrate with.Intelligent search to frontend, admin and members area what allows you to find the most accurate and particular leads within the very short span of time.By grouping products in sets you can flexibly manage their publication in your store's homepage; e.g., display discounted products, bestsellers, new arrivals, etc.BIZ DIRECTORYB2B Trade ScriptBIZ DIRECTORY - FRONTENDThe biz Directory provides the capability to define multiple location types (corporate, retail, affiliate, subsidiary, wholesaler) and define multiple Companies to organize multiple locations within a hierarchy.You can define special product filtering conditions to fill a category.In settings of each product category there is an option to select individual product features to allow storefront visitors to filter products in that category. Products can be filtered, for example, by price range, category, country, or name etc.Create your own industry specific business directory with products, services, listing and more.PHP B2B ScriptMANAGE BUSINESS TYPE - BACKENDHighly configurable parameters with admin panel management.Multilevel categories with extremism view.Category ordering can be defined by admin or set to alphabetic.Image gallery for products, sell offers and buy offers.Search based on keywords, categories, posting dates, countries etc.LAST MINUTE DEALSB2B Trade PortalLAST MINUTE DEALSClassifying and highlighting the expiring products and service through a fashionable representation for better user attention.B2B Marketplace Trading ScriptLAST MINUTE DEALS - PRODUCTS / BUYING / SELLINGRepresentation of expiring products , selling and buying leand for better user attention.Powerful search option to find user desired product quickly for busy customers.ADVANCED SEARCHB2B Trading ScriptSIMPLE PRODUCT SEARCHAzuwaB2B gives an opportunity to classify listings. Therefore, the website admin can divide listings into different types. It expands site possibilities and increases its usability (listings will be arranged).A lot of search parameters for configuring listings and layout.Advanced filter at the front-end allows users to filter products , companies and trade leads by multiple criteria.Marketplace ScriptB2B ADVANCE SEARCHAdministrator can allow users to add classifieds of various parameters, make a complex search (a search by different types , name, price, package, category) and a search by a particular type.Create groups of lists that have parent/child dependencies (levels). So, once an item is selected from a dropdown, its child dropdown automatically populates with the appropriate fields for that parent.Advanced search engine is built into the trade portal software front-end to handle multi-criteria search queries. The same search engine can be used by administrators in the back-end when they look for a certain property ad to be edited.STORE FRONTB2B Trade PortalSTORE FRONTBy associating products with different product types (which are configurable in the settings) you can manage access rights of your team for various types of products and set up products availability in your store.Contact us form for getting feedback from visitors.HTML markup of basic design themes is fully compliant with HTML5 standards.Multilevel categories for convenient browsing.Classified marketplace scriptADMIN PANEL DASHBOARDAccess rights of each level are configurable from the admin panel.Image settings, thumbnailing and watermarking.Extensive company profile management console.Extensive buy and sell offers management console.In preference settings of each product category there is an option to select individual product features to allow storefront visitors to filter products in that category.REVENUE PLANOnline Marketplace ScriptTRADE SHOWSYou can shape your listing plans as you want, and you can create plans for specific categories or assign them to some user groups only. Subscription plans are also available.Paid feature for listings that show in a special section on the first page.Paid feature for listings that show in a different color to be more visible than the other listings.Paid feature to place a listing on top, featured, Homepage spotlight or before all other listings.Premium membership feature to allow for an account a special page where user details and all user listings are shown, and allows replacing the header image with user's own logo.Classified Marketplace ScriptTRANSLATE & CHANGE LAYOUTTranslate both the front-end and the back-end of the AzuwaB2B script simply by editing an external plain text language file. Using an external CSS files you can easily change the look of the listing pages so they blend with the other pages and styles on your travel website.SUCCESS STORIESB2B Business ScriptSUCCESS STORIES & TRADE SHOWAzuwaB2B includes the tools to manage customer testimonials for easy display on your website. Testimonials can include optional photograph or image to represent the customer. Testimonials can be shown randomly on any or all web pages as well as showing all testimonials on a single page.Publish and mange latest trade show information to keep your site more up-to-date.Mraketplace Trading ScriptSUCCESS STORIES - BACKENDYou can shape your listing plans as you want, and you can create plans for specific categories or assign them to some user groups only. Subscription plans are also available.MEMBERSHIP PACKAGESB2B & B2C ScriptPREMIUM MEMBERSHIP PACKAGES - FRONTENDAzuwaB2B is built from the ground up to make it easy for anyone to create their own profit pulling membership sites without having to mess with any PHP code, HTML or even a single line of CSS.UNLIMITED Membership Levels with various settings and preference ensure your ultimate control and censorship.The system gives an opportunity to divide users into groups. User group is a set of users that were assigned certain properties and membership plan(s). User group determines the way users from a group work with a site. Each group has its ID, group name, registration form template, description, user menu template and one or more membership plans.Membership plans are model contracts for user subscription for the site services. Membership plan governs which of the site services are available to the user and what are the prices for these services.User can have only one subscription to one membership plan at a time.Classified Business ScriptPREMIUM MEMBERSHIP PACKAGES - BACKENDThe administrator can create a set of profile fields for each group. User groups differ in set of membership plans and user group profile fields.At the time of the registration process a user chooses a user group. The administrator can create as many user groups as he/she wants.The site administrator formulates membership plan terms – specifies name, price, type, amount of listings, expiration period and etc.Premium Membership package define the listing activation price, whether listing is featured, how long the listings remains active and other paid or free services available for use with the listing. Listing package is assigned to listing when listing is created.Administrator can create as many membership plans as desired.CMS FeaturesADMINISTRATOR FEATURESBest PHP web applicationsADMINISTRATOR LOGINManaging website from FrontEnd WYSIWYG HTML Editors.Add / Edit / Delete Unlimited Property with Details.Multi-Language Support just changing Language File only.Publishing Customized Ads from administration area.Google Adsense is added by default to earn ads revenue.Adding Google Map under each Property.Add / Edit status of Property eg. New, Sold, to be seen etc.Turn On /Off the features you need to include.Short report with "Arrange view" Details links.Viewing a Property image from various corners.Example : back view Font view Dining Space Swinging etc.Create sub-admin with restricted privilege.Add /edit/ view /remove and manage register usersActivate or De-activated a UserDynamic change of menu color, size, height and width etc.Global Administrative setting.Adding unlimited number of properties with vivid detailsview / Edit / Delete existing properties.Best PHP web applicationsADMIN PANEL DASHBOARDViewing saved property by user.view / send or censor user feedback before publishing site.Add/Edit/Delete your Area or locations.Active / De-active / a property after sold or rented.Email alert before a property is being vacant to re-published.Adding unlimited property type.For example : Flat, House,Studio,Vacation Rentals etc.Matching Letting or selling PropertyViewing active / Expired / sold or rented property list listingView and schedule the appointment request with clients.Schedule Notification of GAS, Electricity, Water and other Certificates Expiry Date.Customize Email Templates & NewsletterFeedback management and Censoring bad wordsCategories / Sub-Categories based Photo Gallery of property Highlights management.Search by listing id, city, state, zip, property type, property style, min price, max price, beds, baths, min sq ft, min lot size, garage or keyword.Browse properties by interactive Google mapMany more.....PRIVILEGES-N-ROLESManaging Privileges & RolesThe most secure way to manage privileges for users and roles is to confine use of privilege to commands in a rights profile. The rights profile is then included in a role. The role is assigned to a user. When the user assumes the assigned role, the privileged commands are available to be run in a profile shell. The following procedures show how to assign privileges, remove privileges, and debug privilege use.This Application has built-in permission system which was based on ACL architecture, so you can set permission for role (group) or given user to separated modules.In Eicra's Application, there are three privilege levels, as well as an extra 'Administrator' privilege. The three privileges take effect per user per table, i.e. a user can have certain privileges on one table and different ones on another. By default software has three rolls such as Developer, Administrator and registered members. Roll is an encapsulated mode of permissions of various modules.The levels areVIEW: ability to read data onlyEDIT: ability to read and edit dataMANAGE: ability to modify the database structure, i.e. create/delete tables, fields, reports etc., basically to build up and tear down databases. MANAGE also allows a user to unlock an individual record for editing if it has been locked.For people with less privilege, the user interface is simplified.Super Admin Privileges:In our application model, Super admin retains un-restricted access to the application. Super admin act a "root" positioning itself top of privileges hierarchy. Unlike other applications, "Administrator" privilege remain just under "Super Admin" which allows admin to performs all administrative task with a bit of limited access.The core idea is "Super Admin" is preserved for high tech technical staffs of web developer to configure the system/website accordingly to client's requirements. Site owner or head of team can perform his/her daily administrative jobs using "Administrator" access but admin can't garb the system due to limited privilege. Assigning Privileges:As an super administrator or, to assign privileges, use the Administrator module at the bottom of pane PHP ScriptPRIVILEGE MANAGERClassified PHP ScriptROLE SETUPThe administrator privilege doesn't apply to a particular table but is a global option that allows setting up of users, roles, assigning privileges and creating modules. If the number of users you manage starts to become large, you may want to assign them roles, which allows privileges to be managed on a mass basis. If a user has a certain role, he/she has all the privileges assigned to that role. Users can have more than one role.To assign privileges, click on the 'Administration' module then 'users' or 'roles'. This will allow you to select a user/role and assign table privileges. When setting user privileges, Eicra's Application will show any privileges that the user already has due to being a member of a role. In this example, the user has been given MANAGE privileges specifically on timesheets and performance criteria and is a member of a role that has MANAGE privileges on price list and roles.After having groups, you can create new user for each group. In order to create new user, you go to manage users (User/User in back-end), here you can create, edit, delete or active for any user. User will have default permission according the group that it belong to (thus one user can't belong to many groups). However you can still set special permission for individual user in a group from our User Management Modules.Global Roles (could be created via acl_users)Memberhas his/her own space under Members/membername where he/she can create/modify/submit his/her own documents. Members can't create new keywords - they are forced to use existing ones. In addition manager could promote Member to Owner or Reviewer for specified folders (or the whole site).ManagerMr "Manager"; can do anything: add/modify users, add keywords, publish/revoke/modify content. Assigns local roles for users (promotes them to specific levels). Also manager is the one responsible and able to change page templates. Nobody else has this ability.Local roles (never try to create them in acl_users) MANAGER'S NOTE: don't create users with local roles in acl_users--things can go crazy. Assign roles for folders using local_role mechanism:OwnerThis role is defined on a per-folder basis (acquisition works here just fine - make somebody the owner of a page , image or modules and he'll automatically own /a/b/c unless you specify manually /a/b/c to be owned by somebody else). An owner can also create a co-owner via local_roles and remove a reviewer (but can't assign one). This means: one folder can have more than one owner and they all will have the same rights in that folder. Owners can't assign roles beyond "Authenticated" and "Owner"ReviewerThis role is defined on a per-folder basis (acquisition works here just fine - make somebody reviewer of a page , image or modules and he automatically becomes a reviewer for plone/a/b unless you specify manually plone/a/b to be reviewed by somebody else). A reviewer can edit/publish content/metadata but cannot _create_ new content and play with local roles.WorkflowFrom the all mentioned above current workflow for publishing looks like:Admin -» Member (Owner) -» (submit) -» Reviewer --(approve / publish) -» everybody view accessOther options like retract, reject, visible and private are still available.RICH WYSIWYG EDITINGWithin this application everything is about WYSIWYG. Not just in the preview mode, but also in the concrete edit mode. This makes editing content really fun and easy and it hides the actual complexity of the powerful enterprise framework we are based on.In terms of WYSIWYG, our application reaches far beyond editing texts in an editor. It also supports editing images, previewing documents and videos and working simultaneously on different documents and objects by utilizing the multi-tab interface. Customized PHP web applicationsWYSIWYG EDITORWYSIWYG editing featuresBased on the renown TinyMCE editorAdd new content to your site easily using a HTML editor. HTML design files are completely separated from PHP script files. This gives you the possibility to make changes easily to the design part.Rich editing functionalities (Text formatting, Lists, Image, Links, ect.)Editing functionalities can be limited per content object and per editorTightly integrated within application's drag-and-drop featuresBest PHP SoftwareCODE VIEW EDITORWYSIWYG editing of image assetsOnline image cropping, resizing, rotation and flippingImage adjustments like red eye removal, teeth whitening, brightness, contrast, hue, saturationPhoto effects like vignette, heat map, water mark , pixelate, noise, poster, pastelAdditional advanced online image editor with similar interface and functionality to Adobe® Photoshop® including layers, typographic settings and much moreEditors based servicesUNLIMITED CUSTOM WEB FORM GENERATOROne of the most important parts of a website is a properly created and configured web forms. If you are using the Eicra's application then the creation process of such forms has been quite simplified. You can connect with your visitors by creating forms that they will complete with an ease. Acquiring and aggregating data via custom fields has also been made easy and using our web Forms can helps you create secured forms in your website and capture valuable information from your clients or visitors.PHP Classified ScriptCUSTOM WEB FORM LISTBest PHP ScriptDYNAMIC FORM GENERATORData StorageOne of the best functions of our Integrated Web forms lets you store and aggregate the data from your web forms in your existing database as well as to send email. It also lets you create an unlimited amount of forms for any page of your website. This is a perfect choice for Registration, Contact, Survey, or any other custom field created web forms.Create Custom FieldsThe possibilities of creating a form page for your website are unlimited. The Eicra's Integrated Web forms module offers just about every field option that you can imagine and you would need to include on your contact page. Some of these are:Radio ButtonsText AreaText FieldsFile UploadingDrop-Down List / Combo boxPrivacy Policy inclusionCheck boxesCAPTCHA SecurityFeatures Integrated Web formThe possibilities of creating a form page for your website are unlimited. The Eicra's Integrated Web forms module offers just about every field option that you can imagine and you would need to include on your contact page. Some of these are:Create unlimited number of web forms for different purpose.Create unlimited forms to capture your client's message and attachments.Different both standard and custom field type to choose.Single click to enable or disable your web forms.Complete control over all your form elements and it is 100% configurable.Multiple form actions to apply to submitted data.Specify a default value for each field - or allow it to be overridden by a string in the URL.You can allow uploaded files to be attached to the form submission.All form submissions can be saved to a built in database.Specify who can receive email notification for form submissions.Permissions and SecurityYou can force forms to only show SSL secure pages.Set a maximum number of submissions allowed on a per form or per user basis.Ability to specify which user or user-group can able to view , edit and administer the forms.Layout and PreferencesAll forms codes are valid XHTML and CSS2 / CSS3.Easily add Image, Flash and Code (AdSense like) banners to your site. Very flexible positioning options.Form Preview mode, before submitting the form.Allow you to add custom JavaScript and CSS to the page.Set your own page title for the forms.Customized the look with XHTML, CSS and Smarty.You have complete control over the class and style of each individual form element.Form AdministrationSpeedy configuration of forms using Ajax abased admin interface.Quick Start Guide to creating forms included.7 Different filters can be applied to change the submitted value.Edit your templates right from web interface.Set your own page title for the forms.All submissions can be emailed to unlimited people, including the submitter.Configure unlimited types of emails, each having their own content.PUBLISHED NEWS & EVENTSZend web applicationsFRONTEND NEW MODULEAdding categories based news related to your properties.Dynamic News and Events information.Short news in homepage and link to News page.CMS web applicationsBACKEND NEWS MODULEPublishing news and articles related to your company.Add, Edit and Delete news dynamically.Use of property various image related to this properties.DYNAMIC MENU MANAGERPHP applicationsFRONTEND MENUCreate Unlimited Menu and Sub-Menus to write site contents.Edit / Delete menus to manage site contents.Change of menu style and size using CSSPHP CMS ScriptDYNAMIC MENU MANAGEREdit / Delete an existing menu.Adding menu name / title and images.Freedom of choosing Menu.CONTENT MANAGERPHP ScriptDYNAMIC CONTENT MANAGERThis feature allows you to create and edit web-pages on-the-fly, manage search engine important elements of your web-pages, such as Title Element and HTML Meta Tags (Keywords, Description, Title, Abstract and Subject).There is a WYSIWYG Editor with an MS Word-like interface that enables you to format text and manage tables, forms, images, files and links.Dynamic PHP ScriptDYNAMIC TEXT EDITORYou can create pages based on design templates, generate an unlimited number of design templates and edit them, upload Macromedia Dreamweaver templates.The Editor easily switches between Edit, Preview and Source codes.FILES & FOLDER MANAGEMENTCMS applicationsDYNAMIC FILE UPLOADERCreate a new FolderAssign an Read / Write privilege on a FolderCreate new task under an FolderUpload file eg. docx, pdf, jpg related to tasksWeb ApplicationsFOLDER MANAGERCommunication between user and admin related with tasks.View / edit / close a Folder as per business demandSearch Files or FoldersUSER LOGIN PRIVILEGESCustomized web applicationsCHANGE PASSOWRDAllowing user to get access to a particular modules.Manager your user to restrict their accessContent Management SystemROLE SETUPCreating Sub-admin / parallel admin of your applications.REVIEW MANAGEMENTZend web applicationsFRONTEND REVIEW SYSTEMAllowing user to send their comments on specific article/ products/ pictures.Manage users review from admin panel dynamically.Online web applicationsBACKEND REVIEW MANAGERYou can also create new review from admin panel and check pending reviews fo admin approval.MEMBERSHIP SECTIONBest PHP web applicationsADMINISTRATOR LOGINBest PHP web applicationsADMIN PANEL DASHBOARD The software has in built paid memberships, trial periods and paid services settings are all adjustable to your requirements.There are different ways of setting up and running paid services:Paid membership. You can charge your site members for membership in a paid group to be able to access certain site sections such as listings management section, Messages section etc. It is possible to create different membership plans with certain permissions assigned to each group, period of membership and cost. Administrator can enable/disable a free trial period of membership in a paid group.Administrator can create different packages with a number of listings to post and cost for the package, set a number of free trial listings (once free trial listings expire, site members will need to pay for adding listings), enter listing activity period (once it expires, site member will need to pay for listing reactivation).There is a number of Paid Services available to feature a listing:Slide-show is a paid option that allows your site visitors to make listing more attractive with a series of photos displayed one-after-another.With the help of Lifting up a listing service site members can make their listing(s) higher in search results.Leader of the region service makes a listing featured in the region. It means a listing photo and greeting text may appear on the main pages of the website. The higher the listing bid is, the more chances to become a new "Leader of the region" a member has.Listing Highlight service helps to drive other members' attention to a listing thanks to a colored table.Our CMS script includes a wide list of preinstalled payment systems and allows accepting payments via Paypal and 2checkout.Offline Payments option is available for such transactions as Cheque, Money Order, Wire Transfer, Instant Money Transfers like Western Union, etc.TEMPLATE BASED LAYOUTThe software is using templates with simple structure (like one static html page mixed with some special tags), which can be customized or new templates can be added. We also offer the service to integrate a custom template provided by a customer, please contact us for details.CUSTOM SUBCATEGORIESWith this feature enabled users are able to add custom subcategories from the user interface if a required subcategory is not available.Security FeaturesB2B application softwareALLOW / DENY IP(s)B2B scriptSECURITY SETTINGSB2B ScriptWATERMARK SETTINGSIPv4 and IPv6 based Blocking control.According to the setting, all file uploading process are centrally controlled that ensures proper security checking before loading to your server.Pending Approval. You can choose that some listings, accounts or other actions on your site to wait for administrator approval.On top of role based ACL setting, there is an extra layer of access level policy setting that ensures better control of application privilege system.Email / Account Blocking.Captcha Image Verification for forms.Built in send mail system to prevent email stealing.The application has various image setting, file extensions and watermarking features to play with.Regular security audits.Failed login notification alerts send to admin with IP and other headers for better tracking.- See more at: http://azuwab2b.com
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