Home » Ajax » Scripts » AJAX Hotel Reservation Form
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- AJAX Hotel Reservation Form
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- $50.00
- 2.0
- 21/06/2009
- 21/06/2009
- Martin Ivanov
- http://acidmartin.wemakesites.net/?pageId=...
- hotel reservation form
AJAX Hotel Reservation Form is full featured AJAX solution for websites that provide online room reservations. It is skinnable, highly customizable, localizable, crossbrowser and ultra fast. The admin panel of the script allows to review the current reservations, send confirmation emails and delete old reservations. Whenever a new reservation has been sent, you will receive a notification emal, and a a confirmation email will be automatically sent to the person that has made the reservation. The installation and the configuration of the script is easy, and your form can be up and running on your website within minutes.
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