Custom Options Templates - Magento Extension
Create products with the same or similar custom options a lot faster! Custom Options Templates extension for Magento enables admin to create templates of custom options which can be reused. Custom Options Templates features: Enables admin to create custom options templates; Enables admin to mass assign products to ... Version: 3.0.16 Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Reviews Booster - Magento Extension
Get more reviews to get more sales! Product reviews might be a major factor in your customers’ decision-making process. Review Booster extension for Magento will help you get more reviews and increase your sales. The extension consists of two major functionality parts: Reviews Reminder stimulates your ... Version: 2.2.0 Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Product Matrix - Magento Extension
Creation and management of configurable products in Magento is very time-consuming. Product Matrix extension for Magento makes creation and management of Magento configurable products much simpler. The extension enables Admin to create and edit configurable products with two attributes in a convenient matrix form, where Admin ... Version: 2.1.3 Platform(s): Price: $39 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Order Editor - Magento Extension
Order Editor extension for Magento enables Admin to instantly edit order details that don’t affect the order price and create orders with Custom Options/ Configurable Products. The extension covers well for last minute changes, typos and phone orders. Order Editor features: Allows for editing Shipping and Billing ... Version: 2.0.16 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Gift Registry - Magento Extension
Turn your customers into your sales managers Help your customers to get the gifts they really want! This extension allows your customers to create and manage gift registries that would let their guests know what they would like to get for any special occasion. Your benefit in ... Version: 2.1.8 Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Pre-Orders - Magento Extension
Pre-order option can be beneficial both to you and your customers. It would enable you to better estimate demand, and it would have positive effect on your cash flow. It gives your customers the opportunity to ensure they would be among the first ones to ... Version: 1.1.17 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Delivery Date - Magento Extension
Increase customer satisfaction, improve your checkout, and manage order delivery better with Delivery Date extension for Magento. This extension makes it convenient to manage delivery schedules both for you and your customers. As Admin, you'd be able to define date and time available for delivery, ... Version: 1.0.10 Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Multi-Location Inventory - Magento Extension
The extension allows for managing inventory quantities on multiple Magento websites from one Magento installation. This is a must-have for those who run several stores that serve different geographical areas. Multi-Location Inventory extension enables admin to: Specify different inventory levels for each website; Track inventory level for each ... Version: 2.1.0 Platform(s): Price: $99 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Custom Order Number Pro - Magento Extension
Simplify your work with documents with Custom Order Number Pro extension for Magento! This extension enables Admin to set custom prefixes, starting number and increment rate to titles of orders, invoices, shipments and credit memos. Custom Order Number Pro features: Enables Admin to add custom prefixes to ... Version: 5.0.4 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
One-Page Checkout Booster - Magento Extension
Why use One-Page Checkout Booster extension on your Magento? Help your customers spend less time while placing an order – this will leave less time for them to change their mind about making the purchase. One-Page Checkout Booster for Magento enables you to simplify the Checkout ... Version: 1.3.3 Platform(s): Price: $129 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
PractiSearch Pro
Web search software for quick search. - Start the search in the default resource (Google) immediately by highlighting a text in any application and pressing Ctrl+C+C or Ctrl+Ins+Ins - Use other customizable hotkeys to start searching the default resource or any other resource of your choice ... Version: 1.44 Platform(s): Windows Price: $24.95 Developer:
Practiline Software Added: 22/01/2012 Updates: 22/01/2012
SEO Company
Search engine optimization has become more viable and useful in the business. In an industry marked by dynamic changes, our SEO Company has continued to thrive and is well positioned to handle seo projects. We strive to create seo friendly websites for all our clients.Offering ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $ Developer:
yourseoservices Added: 19/01/2012 Updates: 19/01/2012