AJAX Stock Quotes Ticker
This ticker can show stock market quotes using AJAX technology in a watchlist table display. The ticker is fully customizable via CSS/JavaScript settings. Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $25.00 Developer:
SentoSoft Added: 17/07/2009 Updates: 17/07/2009
Amara Flash News Ticker
Amara News Ticker creates horizontal and vertical Flash news tickers in the popular SWF file format, which can be used in any website and viewed in any browser. No knowledge of Flash is needed to create animations with Amara Software. Version: 1.1 Platform(s): Price: $19.95 Developer:
amara Added: 09/05/2009 Updates: 09/05/2009
XML News Ticker 04
This is a very easy to use news ticker. It can easily be integrated in HTML or another Flash project. Features list: - Unlimited number of news - Easy to customize - Resizable - XML driven: * specify move speed * specify move direction * ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $8.00 Developer:
OXYLUS Added: 01/05/2009 Updates: 01/05/2009