TrackProfiler is an online GPS track editor and organizer. Features: •Join multiple tracks into one •Split and remove parts of GPS tracks •Edit tracks point by point •Add waypoints to your track •Detect and remove GPS measurement and elevation errors •Add and geocode images taken while recording ... Version: 0.3.655... Platform(s): Price: Free Developer:
trackprofiler Added: 10/08/2012 Updates: 10/08/2012
Reward Points Extension
The referral reward points extension will help you enable a reward program for your customers. Using the extension, you can set the reward points to calculate when a customer purchase from your store for limited amount, whenever a customer introduces your store to a new ... Version: 3.10 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix Price: $99 Developer:
Apptha Added: 09/08/2012 Updates: 09/08/2012
FIBPlus is a library of Delphi, C++ Builder, Kylix components and Ada objects for direct work with InterBase and Firebird. It is 100% compatible with third-party components and report generators. Unique features: field setting repository, query repository, error message repository; centralized handling of exceptions, Unicode support, ... Version: 7.3 Platform(s): Price: $348.00 Developer:
Sergey Buzadzhy Added: 17/07/2012 Updates: 17/07/2012
Stock Market Ticker
Stock Market Ticker is a JavaScript scroller that displays stock market quotes. The visual part of the ticker is built from JavaScript on client-side with design being configured using CSS file for different parts of the elements: symbols, quotes, background etc. On server-side, the ticker ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $25.00 Developer:
Adamus Capuano Added: 15/07/2012 Updates: 15/07/2012
Website migration: Our team can transfer any website to a new host within hours. We can also help you transfer only parts of your website so you keep costs down. Moving large databases is our passion, helping your business is our job. Server migration: Do you ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $60.00 Developer:
ThinkOvi Added: 12/07/2012 Updates: 12/07/2012
Seo Training Trainee-Freshers In Noida
SEO & Website SellingSocial Media Management SalesSales of Webhosting on call.Sales of Email services call.Renewal of all the services needed.Sales of Reseller packagesSales of franchisee.Would have to offer strategic discounts to make positive sales.Would be supposed to provide correct information according to terms, conditions and ... Version: 0.1 Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer:
Dhiraj Kumar Mishra Added: 06/07/2012 Updates: 06/07/2012
CuteStat Lite - Best Website Value Calculator
"CuteStat Lite 1.0" is a professional and very powerful PHP Script to create your own dedicated website for Web Stat and Valuation Services. It is very easy to install and the best part is, it is a lot more easy to manage overall section after ... Version: 1.0 Platform(s): Linux Price: $199 Developer:
CuteStat Added: 04/07/2012 Updates: 04/07/2012
Web Email Script Enterprise
Web Email Script Enterprise is your perfect webmail script solution that features a unique AJAX interface that mimics the widely popular Gmail webmail service and our software also offers your users with disposable email addresses with pre-defined time limit which users can receive emails sent ... Version: 3 Platform(s): Linux,Unix Price: $99 Developer:
ASoft Added: 18/06/2012 Updates: 18/06/2012
Simple Content Management System
Simple content management system (CMS) for publishing and editing website content as well as site management from an easy-to-use web based administration panel. Unlike the other content management systems on the market our Simple PHP CMS script is primarily focused on the easiness of managing ... Version: 4.0 Platform(s): Price: $29.00 Developer:
StivaSoft Added: 11/05/2012 Updates: 14/05/2012
Magento Facebook Deal Extesion
The Facebook Deal Extension is a miniature version of Facebook Store Pro but showing only daily deal products. This Facebook Deal Extension not only showing deaily deals on Facebook page but also on your main store so that you can offer special sales on both ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Windows Price: $159 Developer:
OnlineBiz Software Solution Added: 20/04/2012 Updates: 20/04/2012
Magento Facebook Store Pro Extension
The Facebook Store Pro Extension is an advanced version of Facebook Shop Publisher which is designed to promote your Magento Store on Facebook and building potential customers. Once you install the extension, your catalog/products can be published on Facebook to everyone. People will easy reach ... Version: 4.1 Platform(s): Windows Price: $119 Developer:
OnlineBiz Software Solution Added: 20/04/2012 Updates: 20/04/2012
Magento Advanced News Extension
The Advanced News help you to build unlimited content system. It is designed to become a part of your Magento store, provide a professional news system. Your customers can quickly check out latest news from each categories, the compact layout bring more content come on ... Version: 1.5 Platform(s): Windows Price: $65 Developer:
OnlineBiz Software Solution Added: 20/04/2012 Updates: 20/04/2012