Alibaba Clone v3.2.73
No Encryption No Callback Alibaba Clone v3.2 ($99) is the finest clone & powerful classifieds script available online. Product Catalog, Internal messaging system, WTSIWYG editor, Various membership levels, Powerful Member control panel, Ad management system, Banner, Text and Affiliate ads, Google Adwords, Customizable graphics, Sell/ Buy ... Version: 3.2.73 Platform(s): Linux Price: $99 Developer:
iTechScripts Added: 17/08/2011 Updates: 17/08/2011
gQRcode Generator qrcode image
A QR code image generator class. Generate QR codes and use them in a variety of ways: Save for later use Embed directly in an HTML page (as an image or a base64 string) Download generated image to your local ... Version: 1.0 Platform(s): Price: $4.99 Developer:
Giuseppe D'Inverno Added: 16/08/2011 Updates: 16/08/2011
Transform Image UI
The Transform Image UI (User Interface) is a CSS3 & Javascript based component that will transform an image live on-screen according to user actions. Resize, rotate & flip (horizontal and vertical) options are all available, allowing the image to be transformed in a dynamic, user ... Version: 0.9.0 Platform(s): Price: $4.99 Developer:
Matt Pass Added: 16/08/2011 Updates: 16/08/2011
DESCRIPTION: A tag cloud generator that does all the work for you. Just provide your data as plaintext/html, a link or even a path to a file. uTagCloud will automagicaly detect content type and do all the processing for you. It can return raw tag with ... Version: 1.1.0 Platform(s): Price: $9.99 Developer:
Andrius Virbicianskas Added: 16/08/2011 Updates: 16/08/2011
jQuery Help Popups
Simple help messages for your users Show lightweight messages to users on top of the interface. Can be used for notifications about new features or updates or for first-use tutorials. Just provide title and content - ... Version: 1.0.0 Platform(s): Price: $14.99 Developer:
Paul K. Lunow Added: 16/08/2011 Updates: 16/08/2011
Magento Facebook app -
The Magento Facebook App is a marvelous extension which allows you to integrate social shopping via facebook. Facebook Marketing is not at all an exaggerated zeal but this is the most preferred marketing strategy since it offers plethora of benefits. Every small/big online business makes ... Version: 1.5 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX Price: $399 Developer:
apptha Added: 16/08/2011 Updates: 16/08/2011
WireCapture component allows you to capture media from any video source (web camera, TV Tuner, Capture Board etc) just with 3 lines of code. WireCapture does all the work with DirectShow routine, you just use our simple interface.You can add videocapture functions to your application ... Version: 1.1.1 Platform(s): Windows Price: $39.95 Developer:
WireByte Research Labs. Added: 09/08/2011 Updates: 09/08/2011
Ripcord is an attempt to create an RPC client and server around PHP's xmlrpc library which is easy to use. You can create xml-rpc, (simplified) soap 1.1 and simple rpc clients with one call and then call rpc methods as if they were local methods ... Version: 1.1 Platform(s): Price: Free Developer:
Muze Added: 09/08/2011 Updates: 09/08/2011
GuestBook for site
Easy to install and use the guest book. Solution for your site. Main Features: - replies to messages; - subscribe to messages and comments; - structure template (in complete 4 template + creating your own templates); - captcha anti-spam form validation; - premoderation messages; - bad words filter; - managing messages from the ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $30.00 Developer:
openfreecms Added: 08/08/2011 Updates: 08/08/2011
Domain name class
This class provides many common domain name string manipulations: Manipulate individual labels in the domain name Serialization and deserialization to and from character and byte strings Subtraction and pruning Domain name compressions as specified in RFC 1035 And more. This class is useful for: Servers Resolver implementations Any software that deals with domain names ... Version: 1.1 Platform(s): Price: $4.99 Developer:
KhLab Added: 07/08/2011 Updates: 07/08/2011