Data Science Course in Hyderabad
AI Patasala’s Data Science Course in Hyderabad program collaborates with expert Data Scientists who have done their domain specialization from the esteemed IIT institutions. The course curriculum in this program covers topics right from the very basics of Python programming & Statistics to advanced Artificial ... Version: AI Patasala Platform(s): Windows Price: $250 Developer:
AI Patasala Added: 06/09/2021 Updates: 06/09/2021
artificial intelligence training in hyderabad
Get The Most Updated and Free Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning, Mathematics, Python Programming Resources. This course allows students to implement deep learning solutions with convolutional neural networks and perform text analysis and natural language processing (NLP) using recurrent neural networks. . ... Version: 360DigiTMG Platform(s): Windows Price: $662 Developer:
360digitmg Added: 14/03/2020 Updates: 14/03/2020
Artificial Neural Network Framework
This framework is designed for artificial neural network creation and use. The used structure is multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) where each neuron computes either a sigmoid function or the hyperbolic tangent. Each layer contains a bias neuron which always outputs the value "1" The weight update is performed with ... Version: 1.0 Platform(s): Price: $ Developer:
Samuel Hiard Added: 01/08/2011 Updates: 01/08/2011