Live Help Chat by Provide Support Live Customer Software
This web-hosted system means you don’t have to worry about server capacity, bandwidth usage, system upgrades and other issues. An optional web-based operator console allows you to monitor your website for chat requests 24/7 from any location, from any system connected to the Internet. The ... Version: 5.2.2 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Mac OSX Price: $15 Developer:
Provide Support LLC Added: 18/05/2009 Updates: 18/05/2009
Network Eagle Monitor
Network Eagle Monitor is powerful network monitoring software. It can continuously monitor the state of your servers, various network services, databases and more over the network 24 hours a day. If a monitored object changes, Network Eagle Monitor is able to send various notifications or ... Version: 4.17 build 1142 Platform(s): Windows Price: $189.00 Developer:
network-eagle Added: 29/04/2009 Updates: 29/04/2009