Product Images by Customer for Magento 2
- Allow registered users and guests to upload product images to Magento websites - Automatically send admin notification emails when customers upload images - Easily manage uploaded images by customers in a grid of the backend - Approve/disapprove/delete one by one or multiple customer image requests - Set up ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Product Attachments for Magento 2
- Freely upload various types of downloadable files - Be able to attach multiple files to a product and assign a file to multiple items - Restrict file attachments display by customer groups and store views - Limit file size and the number of downloads for a file - ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Layered Navigation for Magento 2
Layered navigation with multi select for Magento 2 - AJAX product filter for fast loading speed - Flexible product attribute display modes - Layered Navigation for Magento 2 by price range with slider and input box - More Shop By option with product filter by rating attribute Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Import Export Product Attributes for Magento 2
- Import multiple product attributes at one time via a CVS file - Provide the sample import CSV file for users to download and follow - Validate the import CSV file before importing - Display messages to notify errors when importing - Export all product attributes at once or ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Import Export Wishlist Item for Magento 2
- Import products to wishlist in bulk via a CSV file - Offer the most standard sample CSV file for admin to enter wishlist item data - Import all related wishlist data: products SKU & quantity, users information, store views and so on - Export all products in ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Guest to Customer for Magento 2
Automatically create account after checkout for new Magento 2 guest users - Provide a checkout grid to save guest user information - Allow admin to assign new converted customers into specific customer groups - Assign previous guest orders with the same emails to customers - Customize notification ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Force Login for Magento 2
- Require Magento 2 buyers to login before viewing any specific pages - Easily redirect users to Account - Dashboard/Homepage/Previous/Custom URL after logging in - Display an alert message to notify customers when they are redirected to login page - Select specific pages to enable “force login” function - Enable/Disable ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Duplicate CMS Page/Block for Magento 2
- Provide duplicate buttons in CMS detailed page and Block detailed page - Allows mass Duplicate actions in the CMS Page and Blocks grid view - Display successful messages after duplicating CMS Pages and Blocks - Create new URL keys for copied CMS Pages and new identifiers for ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $35 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
Customers Also Bought/ Also Viewed for Magento 2
- Automatically display product recommendations section on product page - Smartly identify and track related products according to customer behavior and purchase history - Be able to show also bought/ also viewed products in a slider and limit the number of products shown on this section - ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
BSSCommerce Added: 17/04/2018 Updates: 17/04/2018
PrestaShop ReCAPTCHA Module
The basic need of the CAPTCHA system is to prevent automated or SPAM entries to the website by computer programs such as crawlers, bots, and other spam software etc., Captcha module uses the Google's reCaptcha facility to be integrated into the forms in Prestashop software. ... Version: 1.6 Platform(s): Price: $25 Developer:
Egrovesystems Added: 16/04/2018 Updates: 16/04/2018
Advanced Content Manager Magento 2 extension
Advanced Content builder extension for Magento 2 web store assists administrator to create a variety of content types, eg. portfolio, testimonial, gallery, news, lookbook... conveniently and effectively. Similar to creating attribute sets for the product on a store, this extension facilitates you to make different ... Version: 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x Platform(s): Price: $89 Developer:
Magesolution Added: 16/04/2018 Updates: 16/04/2018
Magento Help Desk Extension
Magento help desk and customer support management extension by FME has been designed to streamline the most important department of an online store i.e. customer support. It offers a comprehensive ticket management system which makes the customer support process robust and simple. Customers can generate ... Version: 1.2.1 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Mac OSX Price: $145 Developer:
FME Extensions Added: 11/04/2018 Updates: 11/04/2018