OpenCart Rich Snippet
OpenCart Rich Snippet - This Plug-in insert the Google Rich Snippets in OpenCart. This Rich snippets info will be displayed under the link at Google search. Features: - Show Product Name - Show Image - Show Breadcrumbs - Show Price - Show Product Rating - Price of Product - Stock Details availability - Add ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 09/01/2014 Updates: 09/01/2014
OpenCart Product Label
OpenCart Product Label - module add labels in shop’s product in different positions attractively, this awesome module changes your shop’s view completely.Features:- Many sample labels. Insert new Labels in admin.- Admin can set images width and height.- Set 4 different positions: top left, top right, ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 09/01/2014 Updates: 09/01/2014
Magento Reviews and Ratings
Magento reviews and ratings is an extension for ecommerce store. It allows the customers to give their feedbacks and ratings, which is helpful for the shoppers to take correct decisions. Star ratings helps to get noticed in the search results. Social sharing options is an ... Version: 1.5.x, 1.6.x and 1.7.x, 1.8 Platform(s): Price: $99 Developer:
Apptha Added: 07/01/2014 Updates: 11/03/2014
OpenCart Customer as Partner
OpenCart Customer as Partner: extension is an awesome module by which you can convert your OpenCart store in to proper sale purchase site with tons of other options please find the documentation for complete information. Features: 1 - Customer can upload the product and product information like ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 06/01/2014 Updates: 06/01/2014
OpenCart Price Comparison MarketPlace
OpenCart Price Comparison Marketplace: after creating the best marketplace module in the planet, we have received a lot of queries for price comparison marketplace in OpenCart like best buy or eBay. Features: 1 - Seller can add product in existing product, with different price and quantity. 2 - ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 31/12/2013 Updates: 31/12/2013
Freelancer website clone
Free Lancer clone is a freelancer matching website providing a service to project managers for sourcing professionals who pay a fee for the chance of winning the project. Freelance Clone Script easy to manage and very simple to deploy, comes with a web-based administrative panel ... Version: Platform(s): Linux,Windows Price: $ Developer:
HemWebApps Added: 30/12/2013 Updates: 30/12/2013
Debate website clone
Debate Clone is a free online community where intelligent minds from around the world come to debate online and read the opinions of others. Research today's most controversial debate topics and cast your vote on our opinion polls. You can create membership using your social ... Version: Platform(s): Linux,Windows Price: $ Developer:
HemWebApps Added: 30/12/2013 Updates: 30/12/2013
How to Migrate Exchange 2010 Mailbox
Lots of online tools available for solving Exchange Server corruption and safely repairing database but sometimes they failed to perform their task. In this condition user doesn’t solve their query that how to migrate Exchange 2010 mailbox. Trying Exchange Mailbox Recovery tool that embedded with ... Version: 4.5 Platform(s): Windows Price: $299 Developer:
How to Migrate Exchange 2010 Mailbox Added: 30/12/2013 Updates: 30/12/2013
Google Rich Snippets
Google Rich Snippets: This plug-in insert the Google Rich Snippets in VirtueMart and Joomla article. This Rich snippets info will be displayed under the link at Google search. It’s support the below feature. For VirtueMart - Show price - Show product rating - Price of ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 27/12/2013 Updates: 27/12/2013
Move Exchange Database to New Server
How to move Exchange database to new server? If you have unsuccessful to solve this query with online utilities then you can try Exchange Server Recovery tool. Convert single or multiple user mailboxes at a time into a new server and also move into PST, ... Version: 4.5 Platform(s): Windows Price: $299 Developer:
Move Exchange Database to New Server Added: 27/12/2013 Updates: 27/12/2013
OpenCart Marketplace Daily Deal
OpenCart Marketplace Daily Deal – module is easy to use and fairly handy to handle all your stores deals. It enables daily deal feature for both admin and sellers, by which both can add deals for their product, admin at back-end and seller at front-end. Features: 1. Seller ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 26/12/2013 Updates: 26/12/2013
OpenCart Daily Deals
OpenCart Daily Deals - Module is easy to use and fairly handy to handle all your stores deals. Features: 1 - Working will all OpenCart version 2 - Fully open source and easy to manage from admin 3 - Filter with categories and periods 4 - Top selling deals and ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 26/12/2013 Updates: 26/12/2013