Magento 2 Matrix Rates
Many times, default Magento shipping options are not enough to fulfill customers’ orders. They often ask more convenient options to choose from. Magento 2 Matrix Rates by MageComp provides you full control to create custom shipping options based on product quantity, weight, price and destination. ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 Auto Customer Group Switching Extension
Are you having a large customer base which is really complex and time consuming to manage? Are you setting up all customers to a single group and switch them to others manually? If yes, you are badly in need of automation to manage your customer ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 Affiliate Product Links Extension
Managing affiliate products along with normal products into Magento store is one of the complex and time-consuming tasks. To make it easier, MageComp has come up with Magento 2 Affiliate Product Links extension that helps store owners to easily manage affiliate products with redirection. The ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 Restrict Cash On Delivery Extension
Sometimes store owners can’t offer Cash on Delivery service to some geographical area due to two-way courier charges or tough cash handling or a realization of money which takes more time to reflect in our account. To solve this issue MageComp has come up with Magento ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $35 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 Custom Redirect Extension
Many times, there may be a situation when store owners need to redirect their customers to some specific URL after specific events. At that time, Magento 2 Custom Redirect extension by MageComp allows you to set custom URL to redirect your customers when they register, ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $25 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 GEO IP Currency Switcher
Let your customers pay the product price into their local currency instead default standard store currency using Magento 2 GeoIP Currency Switcher Extension it will automatically identify a user’s IP location and changes the default store currency to their available geographical store currency. Why choose MageComp’s ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $19 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 WhatsApp Contact
Generally, people have a question regarding the product before the purchase or they are looking for support related to the product after purchase. At that time, they are always willing to have an immediate response from store owners. In this digital century, people are more ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento WhatsApp Share Cart
In this digital century, people are likely to share the product with their friends and family which they are using or having better user experience. Sharing products will help store owners to bring more traffic and conversions to their website. Nowadays there are lots of ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 Payment Fee Extension
Generally, charging the customer for specific payment provider indirectly makes product costly to buy for customers. Instead of that, if you separately charge a customer for payment fees, they can choose their convenient payment option. Magento 2 Payment Fee extension by MageComp allows store owners ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 Minimum Order Fee
Sometimes, store owners need to set minimum order value to encourage their customer to purchase more and enhance store shopping experience. Magento 2 Minimum Order Fee extension by MageComp allows store admin to set minimum purchase amount and still if a customer wants to purchase ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $35 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 Product Fees
Adding extra product charges by making product pricy seriously results in bad impression and more cart abandons. Store owners sometimes have to charge product fee for customization, product insurance, extended warranty, gift wraps etc. Passing these charges directly to customers is the most trustworthy and ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018
Magento 2 Google Invisible ReCAPTCHA Extension
Millions of CAPTCHA’s are solved daily, that’s why to reduce human efforts google has designed new invisible reCAPTCHA that helps website to automatically identify whether the visitor is user or bot. This new Invisible reCAPTCHA Goes easy for humans and hard for bots. When it ... Version: 2.0 Platform(s): Price: $25 Developer:
magecomp Added: 19/07/2018 Updates: 19/07/2018