PrestaShop Auction Module
PrestaShop Auction Module - Now you can also auction your product to sell them on best customer price, by this module you can put you r product on auction, can put the timer and choose the maximum bid. Features: Backend Feature: • Admin can choose which product to ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 15/01/2014 Updates: 15/01/2014
PrestaShop Advanced Marketplace by WebKul
PrestaShop Advanced Marketplace - This module can turn your PrestaShop store into an advanced marketplace site. Sellers can create their shops and upload their products on your PrestaShop store. Sellers can have a complete shop link, profile page, etc.Features:• Customer can request to become seller• admin need ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 15/01/2014 Updates: 15/01/2014
Magento Product Labels
Magento Product Labels - will surely increase your sales by showing labels on the product and category of your store page. Admin can upload custom design for custom Image badges as well like featured, popular, new and many more. Features: ? All browser compatible (IE7+, FF, Chrome ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 14/01/2014 Updates: 14/01/2014
Magento Dropship Module
Magento Dropship Management - best described as process that optimizes all shipping functions. Magento Dropship Management Module is useful to increase efficiency of the store and having the right products in stock for customers, properly identified and available to quickly ship to customers. In Magento ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 09/01/2014 Updates: 09/01/2014
Magento Reviews and Ratings
Magento reviews and ratings is an extension for ecommerce store. It allows the customers to give their feedbacks and ratings, which is helpful for the shoppers to take correct decisions. Star ratings helps to get noticed in the search results. Social sharing options is an ... Version: 1.5.x, 1.6.x and 1.7.x, 1.8 Platform(s): Price: $99 Developer:
Apptha Added: 07/01/2014 Updates: 11/03/2014
OpenCart Customer as Partner
OpenCart Customer as Partner: extension is an awesome module by which you can convert your OpenCart store in to proper sale purchase site with tons of other options please find the documentation for complete information. Features: 1 - Customer can upload the product and product information like ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 06/01/2014 Updates: 06/01/2014
Magento Bulk Order Quote
Magento Bulk Order Quote - Module for Bulk order or custom quote for whole seller and very useful for those product where buyer order the product in a bulk. Features: 1 – Working with all Magento versions 2 – Bulk order form for whole seller 3 – Fully dynamic ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 27/12/2013 Updates: 27/12/2013
PrestaShop Advanced Marketplace new
PrestaShop Advanced Marketplace: This module can turn your PrestaShop store into an advanced marketplace site. Sellers can create their shops and upload their products on your PrestaShop store. Sellers can have a complete shop link, profile page, etc.Features:• Customer can request to become seller• Admin need to ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 17/12/2013 Updates: 17/12/2013
OpenCart MarketPlace
OpenCart Marketplace Module: will convert your OpenCart store in to Marketplace with separate seller product collection and separate seller with feedback support and rating. Features: 1 - Separate seller profile 2 - Seller can add banner, shop logo custom HTML text 3 - Seller can add featured / selected ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 17/12/2013 Updates: 17/12/2013
PrestaShop Customer as Partner
PrestaShop Customer As Partner- Customer partner extension is an awesome module by which you can convert your magento store in to proper sale purchase site with tons of other options please find the documentation for complete information Features: 1 - Customer can upload the product ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 16/12/2013 Updates: 16/12/2013
PrestaShop Custom Attribute OpenERP Bridge
PrestaShop custom attribute OpenERP bridge- this module enable sync of custom attributes and features of product to OpenERP, This module will add two more tabs into product detail page of OpenERP and display all the attribute value pair & feature value pain into the tab Notice: ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 16/12/2013 Updates: 16/12/2013
OpenCart Product Testimonial
OpenCart Product Testimonial: is a superb module by which user can add testimonial for particular products and customer can view all testimonials for related product. Features: 1. All customers configured -pagination, sorting according to wish. 2. Customer can add testimonials and update and delete them. 3. Admin confirmation for all testimonials ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 13/12/2013 Updates: 13/12/2013