Spam free PHP GuestBook script
This spam free guestbook script has been written in popular PHP language. It supports MySql database for its operation. The special features of this script are, It comes with an auto installer script which automatically installs the script on your server. It has a very user friendly ... Version: 1.2 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix Price: Free Developer:
Archan Ghosal Added: 05/09/2011 Updates: 05/09/2011
Observer3D moves the view over terrain in Java 3D 1.5.2 based on mouse movements. It is designed for use with open ground (as opposed to deep space, air, underwater, caverns, and other indoor spaces). It was written originally for a fast-paced game, and so had ... Version: 1.0.0 Platform(s): Price: Free Developer:
Ralph Chapin Added: 05/09/2011 Updates: 05/09/2011
Meta Tag Generator
Meta tags include several useful directions for web server, web browser and search engines. Run this generator software as a standalone site, offer this meta tag tool to your existing website visitors and they will come back for more, or simply use it for your ... Version: 1.0 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix Price: $19.95 Developer:
e-soft24 Added: 04/09/2011 Updates: 04/09/2011
MySharpCode is a free fully functional demo program that uses SQLite for keeping a database of C# code snippets. The registered version of this package contains the step-by-step fully commented source codes for a complete Visual C# program that shows you how to create your ... Version: 1.1 Platform(s): Price: $50.00 Developer:
Yeoh HS Added: 04/09/2011 Updates: 04/09/2011
View demo See how Mosaic works Mosaic is a gallery component that will allow you to represent any visual element in an easy, fast way, thus being able to incorporate advanced sorting & display capabilities which will add to your application much better sharpness and quality ... Version: 1.0.1 Platform(s): Price: $11.99 Developer:
SingularTouch Added: 04/09/2011 Updates: 04/09/2011
A RowGrid features cells of variable length. The columns are represented by "RowCells" which can be inserted or removed by the user or the application itself. The user uses the mouse to copy, resize or drag RowCells. The application is presented with an uniform set ... Version: Platform(s): Price: Free Developer:
PostWare Added: 02/09/2011 Updates: 02/09/2011
Features: Draw full mathematical equations on a web chat! Support Latex rendering in all browser via MathJax (I suggest Google Chrome for better performace) A classic web chat application Update chat message ... Version: 1.0.0 Platform(s): Price: Free Developer:
Juan Manuel GarcĂa Added: 01/09/2011 Updates: 01/09/2011
DevKen Cart Class
The Cart class handles any type of list that you need to manage. I also use it to maintain a history of products that users have visited and I use it to keep track of wishlists and download lists at the same time. It is ... Version: 2.2 Platform(s): Price: $9.99 Developer:
Ken Elliott Added: 01/09/2011 Updates: 01/09/2011
The viewstate of a standard page can be 10k to 50k, a complex page can reach to 500k. This field is send to the server and send back to the client each time the client does a postback, reducing the size will increase the global ... Version: 1.0 Platform(s): Price: $4.99 Developer:
Salvador Arnal Julian Added: 31/08/2011 Updates: 31/08/2011
Anubis PHPSlots with Odds Verifier
When putting together any form of online game, the thing everyone wants is fun. And what is an age old method of having fun? Slot machines have been good fun in Vegas and beyond for a great number of years, and why not bring that ... Version: 1.0 Platform(s): Price: $4.99 Developer:
Travis Weston Added: 31/08/2011 Updates: 31/08/2011
.netCURRENCY is ideal for global ecommerce applications allowing you to easily offer customers the ability to browse rates in their own local currency. It can also be used in portal applications as a value added service for site visitors. Extensive formatting controls and an automated ... Version: 2 Platform(s): Price: $125.00 Developer:
Corporate Web Solutions Ltd. Added: 28/08/2011 Updates: 28/08/2011
AffeBay is a full featured eBay catalog with search option and related keywords on every page. Features: - Easy instalation and personalization - SEO optimized - Complete eBay catalog - Self updating content Version: Platform(s): Price: $42.00 Developer:
Edward Kuiumdjian Added: 27/08/2011 Updates: 27/08/2011