PrestaShop Multi-Seller Multi-Vendor Marketplace
By using our PrestaShop multi-seller multi-vendor marketplace module, Ecommerce Merchant can convert his store into a complete marketplace like eBay & Amazon.He can convert his single seller store environment into multi-seller, multi-vendor environment.Main feature:• Customer can request to become seller• Admin need to approve all seller request ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 23/10/2013 Updates: 23/10/2013
Share Life Moments
Share Life Moments script enables you to create a site of memories. The user can share incidents, events, photos, videos or anything like that on the site. Above all a user will be able to buy a moment and encapsulate that moment forever. The purchased ... Version: 3.0 Platform(s): Linux Price: $199 Developer:
PHP monstor Added: 22/10/2013 Updates: 22/10/2013
Joomla LinkedIn Product Recommendations
Joomla LinkedIn Product Recommendations- LinkedIn product recommendations is a brilliant module to show recommendations in your joomla site.Features:1 – All browser working.2 – Based on java script no flash uses.3 – Very easy to use simply add the company name with token.4 – Easy to ... Version: Platform(s): Windows,Mac OSX Price: $ Developer: Added: 22/10/2013 Updates: 22/10/2013
Magento Bulk Price Update
Magento Bulk Price Update- This module is very useful module when you want to change the price of complete catalog. Magento special price is does not full fill all the demand of bulk price update. This module will change the catalog base price. Features: • Works with all ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 22/10/2013 Updates: 22/10/2013
Opencart Event Manager
Opencart Event Manager - Opencart event manager is the single best event manager for opencart platform. Here everything is configurable administration. With the help of this module can add/manage events.Features:1. All browser compatible(IE7+,FF,Chrome etc)2. Latest Event Supported3. Completely manager via Awesome Calendar.4. This Module Has Endless Utility. Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 22/10/2013 Updates: 22/10/2013
Magento Price Comparison Marketplace
Magento price comparison marketplace- After creating the best marketplace module in the planet, we have received a lot of queries for price comparison marketplace in magento like best buy or eBay. Features: 1 - Seller can add product in existing product, with different price and quantity. 2 - ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 19/10/2013 Updates: 19/10/2013
Opencart Page End Slidebox
Opencart Page End Slidebox- This is the best related product Module In Opencart. This Awesome End of Slide Page module display your(s) related product on Opencart. You can display one product or many products in a list by using this module. Features: 1. It supports – related products ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 17/10/2013 Updates: 17/10/2013
Opencart Multi Facebook Wall
Opencart Multi Facebook Wall- Opencart multi facebook wall is a brilliant module by which you can display feeds or post from different facebook pages and profile. It will grab your facebook wall post automatically. You can display feed of the posts on your facebook page ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 17/10/2013 Updates: 17/10/2013
Opencart Twitter Follow Box
Opencart Twitter Follow Box– Opencart Twitter Follow Box is an amazing module, replica of facebook like box. It will show all the followers of your twitter user name in a nice twitter box style panel.Features:1 – All Browsers working.2 – Fully configurable from Module Admin.3 ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 17/10/2013 Updates: 17/10/2013
Opencart Latest Tweet
Opencart Latest Tweet- This is the best twitter Module in Opencart. This Awesome Multi Twitter plug-in displays your(s) latest tweets on Opencart. You can display any twitter-user tweets on your Opencart site by simple adding the twitter user-name. Module works very well with updated twitter ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 17/10/2013 Updates: 17/10/2013
Opencart Google Plus Wall Feeds
Opencart Google Plus Wall Feeds- Opencart Google plus wall feeds will grab your Google + post automatically. You can display feed of your Google + page or profile on your website, just put your Google+ Account ID or Google+ account name. That’s it Here is ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 17/10/2013 Updates: 17/10/2013
Magento Product Return RMA
Magento Product Return RMA- Magento Return merchandise authorization is a brilliant module and super useful for product return and order return. Features Return merchandise authorization for magento Buyer and seller communication RMA history with pagination Return Policy Page Dynamic order selection Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $ Developer: Added: 10/10/2013 Updates: 10/10/2013