Webglimpse can index and search any collection of documents you choose - local files including PDF, MS Word and any others with available filter; and remote files spidered from specified websites. Webglimpse is a feature-rich search engine that has been used on thousands of sites. ... Version: 2.18.8 Platform(s): Linux,Sun Solaris Price: $250.00 Developer:
Internet WorkShop Added: 26/08/2009 Updates: 26/08/2009
ASP Speed Tricks
This collection of articles describes practical methods of optimizing the performance of classic ASP pages which retrieve and display tabular data from a database. Test results of each coding technique show the potential for dramatic speedups of dynamic web pages. Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: Free Developer:
Shailesh N. Humbad Added: 21/08/2009 Updates: 21/08/2009
C# Tools
A collection of development tools and utilities for C# programming. It also serves as a reference for .NET developers to locate downloads and documentation for their favorite tools and utilities. Version: Platform(s): Price: Free Developer:
Astral Softworks, LLC Added: 14/07/2009 Updates: 14/07/2009
Flash Slideshow Maker
Flash Slideshow Maker is a Flash album creator to make animated photo slide show with SWF file as the output format. It transforms your digital photo collection to Macromedia Flash file format ( SWF ) which you can share your memorial moments with your family ... Version: 4.88 Platform(s): Windows Price: $49.95 Developer:
socusoft Added: 04/07/2009 Updates: 04/07/2009
Funky Feedback
Funky Feedback allows you to display feedback comments, posted by your visitors, on your website. You can use it for customer testimonials, use it as a guestbook or for any type of feedback. It is supplied in a collection of files which you upload to ... Version: 1.0 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX Price: $19.00 Developer:
Charles Sweeney Added: 21/06/2009 Updates: 21/06/2009
FusionWidgets v3 (previously FusionGadgets/FusionCharts Instrumentation Suite) is a collection of real-time flash gauges, self-updating charts and financial charts like Gantt charts, funnel & pyramid widgets, bullet graphs, sparklines etc. It is perfectly suited for use in dynamic web applications, executive dashboards and real-time monitors. Version: 3.1.1 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX,Sun Solaris Price: $199.00 Developer:
InfoSoft Global Private Limited Added: 14/05/2009 Updates: 14/05/2009
BusinessSkinForm VCL 7.X
* open architecture for skinsrn* application can have one or different skins for windowsrn* run-time skin changern* nonrectangular, dynamically resizable windowsrn* cool external glow effects for buttons in form's caption (as in Windows Vista)rn* default style for forms, controls and menusrn* custom buttons in form ... Version: Platform(s): Windows Price: $79.00 Developer:
Almediadev Added: 14/04/2009 Updates: 14/04/2009