Magento Custom Order Number
By default, Magento starts ordering number starts from 100000001 but if you want to set your own custom order number instead of default Magento number series you can't because Magento doesn't contain such option. Also, sometimes after new Magento installation order numbering start from scratch. Magento ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $25 Developer:
magento Added: 07/08/2018 Updates: 07/08/2018
Magento Product Questions
Before making any purchase, the customer has tons of questions or willing to know more about the store product. The customer is always in hurry & never waits for anything, he or she will always look for an instant resolution and if they failed, they ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
magento Added: 07/08/2018 Updates: 07/08/2018
Magento Cash On Delivery Verification
To widen the market share, Ecommerce stores are in a hunt to reach the huge customer base who are not buying or believe in online or card payments. The best way to reach them is Cash on Delivery and store owners believe COD as the ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
magento Added: 07/08/2018 Updates: 07/08/2018
Magento Multiple Flat Rate Shipping
Out of the box, default Magento comes with the functionality of adding one custom shipping method known as a flat rate but what if you want to add multiple flat rates in Magento store? To make it possible, MageComp has come up with Magento Multiple ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
magento Added: 07/08/2018 Updates: 07/08/2018
Magento Notification Bar
Are you Looking for the exciting way to draw the attention of your store visitor or customers for deals, discount or announcements? MageComp has come up with Magento Notification Bar extension that is designed to display customized store notifications in an attractive way that encourages ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $39 Developer:
magento Added: 07/08/2018 Updates: 07/08/2018
Magento Payment Fee
Looking for a way to transparently pass on payment provider fees to your customers for picking specific method? Instead of adding payment surcharge to the product price and making it too pricy to buy, encourage your customers to pick cost-effective payment options to avoid paying ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $35 Developer:
magento Added: 07/08/2018 Updates: 07/08/2018
Magento Order Tracking
After Ordering a product, the customer is always excited to know each and every status of an order until it gets delivered to customers. So, let your store customers track their orders with the latest whereabouts of the products will help store owners to increase ... Version: Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
magento Added: 07/08/2018 Updates: 07/08/2018