Order Editor - Magento Extension
Order Editor extension for Magento enables Admin to instantly edit order details that don’t affect the order price and create orders with Custom Options/ Configurable Products. The extension covers well for last minute changes, typos and phone orders. Order Editor features: Allows for editing Shipping and Billing ... Version: 2.0.16 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Advanced Permissions - Magento Extension
Advanced Permissions featuresEnables admin to assign Permission on product editing per category, store view and website;;Enables admin to assign Permission on categories editing per store view;Enables admin to Allow/Forbid product deletion;Allows for restricting order management per store view and website;Allows for restricting configuration management per ... Version: 2.2.9 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
AITOC Added: 26/12/2011 Updates: 26/12/2011
Custom Product Preview - Magento Extension
When it comes to selling customizable products online, the trickiest part might be trying to achieve understanding with your customers on how the end-product will look like. Custom Product Preview extension for Magento can add more certainty for you and your customers. This extension enables your ... Version: 1.0.16 Platform(s): Price: $59 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Delivery Date - Magento Extension
Increase customer satisfaction, improve your checkout, and manage order delivery better with Delivery Date extension for Magento. This extension makes it convenient to manage delivery schedules both for you and your customers. As Admin, you'd be able to define date and time available for delivery, ... Version: 1.0.10 Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Shop by Brands - Magento Extension
Why use Shop by Brands on your Magento Shop by Brand extension for Magento enables you to create separate pages for brands presented in your store and link to them from product pages, thus making it easier for your customers to browse and shop by specific ... Version: 3.0.1 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
AITOC Added: 26/12/2011 Updates: 26/12/2011
Product Matrix - Magento Extension
Creation and management of configurable products in Magento is very time-consuming. Product Matrix extension for Magento makes creation and management of Magento configurable products much simpler. The extension enables Admin to create and edit configurable products with two attributes in a convenient matrix form, where Admin ... Version: 2.1.3 Platform(s): Price: $39 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Pre-Orders - Magento Extension
Pre-order option can be beneficial both to you and your customers. It would enable you to better estimate demand, and it would have positive effect on your cash flow. It gives your customers the opportunity to ensure they would be among the first ones to ... Version: 1.1.17 Platform(s): Price: $69 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Multi-Location Inventory - Magento Extension
The extension allows for managing inventory quantities on multiple Magento websites from one Magento installation. This is a must-have for those who run several stores that serve different geographical areas. Multi-Location Inventory extension enables admin to: Specify different inventory levels for each website; Track inventory level for each ... Version: 2.1.0 Platform(s): Price: $99 Developer:
AITOC Added: 25/01/2012 Updates: 25/01/2012
Layered Navigation Pro - Magento Extension
Layered Navigation Pro features:Adds layered navigation to your website home page;Uses breadcrumbs-like categories display adopted from Amazon.com;Enables your customers to shop by multiple attributes in a category;Enables your customers to filter search results by multiple attributes;Highlights current selection directly in the filter block;Allows customers to ... Version: 2.2.14 Platform(s): Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX Price: $89 Developer:
AITOC Added: 23/12/2011 Updates: 23/12/2011
Visualize Your Attributes - Magento Extension
People tend to perceive images much better and faster than text information. Icons and images that you can add with Visualize Your Attributes extension for Magento will liven up your product descriptions and make your customers’ shopping experience much more pleasant. This extension is great ... Version: 2.0.16 Platform(s): Price: $49 Developer:
AITOC Added: 31/01/2012 Updates: 31/01/2012
Loyalty Program - Magento Extension
Why use Loyalty Program on your Magento store?Benefits of implementing a loyalty program on your Magento store are many – from enhancing your sales to keeping your customers satisfied. Standard options in Shopping Cart Price Rules in Magento don't provide much flexibility in setting up ... Version: 2.3.7 Platform(s): Price: $89 Developer:
AITOC Added: 31/01/2012 Updates: 31/01/2012
Abandoned Carts Alerts Pro - Magento Extension
Why use Abandoned Carts Alerts extension on your Magento Often customers, having added products to carts, do not complete their purchases. A simple reminder can increase your sales, and Abandoned Carts Alert Pro extension helps to accomplish this by sending abandoned carts alerts automatically. It will take ... Version: 3.0.5 Platform(s): Price: $79 Developer:
AITOC Added: 26/12/2011 Updates: 26/12/2011