Home » Web Development » PHP » Raven Developers
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- Raven Developers
- 93
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- Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX,Sun Solaris
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- 12/12/2011
- 12/12/2011
- Anirudh K. Mahant
- http://www.ravendevelopers.com/
- web development software php design
Raven Developers started taking baby steps in 2005 as a small IT company in the Banyan City of Gujarat (Vadodara). Raven Developers has since grown from a "team of two" to a company now internationally recognized for its excellence in both design and technical know how.
- PHP & MySQL.
- jQuery.
- Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla.
- Prestashop, OsCommerce & ZenCart.
- Delphi & Open Pascal, Lazarus for Desktop Applications
Areas of expertise include:
- Web Layouts Designing.
- Customizing Websites.
- CMS Development based on Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress.
- E-Commerce Applications based on Prestashop, OsCommerce & ZenCart.
- Animated Flash and Static Website Banners.
- Designing Brochures and Logos.
- HTML E-Mail newsletters.
- XHTML & CSS of Web Layouts.
- Customized Software Solutions.
- Enterprise Database Application Projects.
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