Home » PHP Scripts » Classified Ads » Platinum ClassifiedScript
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- Platinum ClassifiedScript
- 152
- 1230
- Linux,Windows,Unix
- Commercial License
- $21.95
- 7.0
- 18/01/2010
- 25/09/2013
- Wonderwebsol
- http://wonderwebsol.com/
- classifieds searchads classifiedads classifiedscript
The ads are detailed with descriptions, business information, photos and contact forms.People can also list for a fee. After someone has registered, he/she is able to select and buy a package depending on the exposure they would like and for the length of time they would like to be listed. Payment can be done via PayPal and registration is automated.The person will receive a few emails - 10 days before his account will expire, 5 days, 1 day. 24 hours after his account expiration date, his listing and his account will be deleted automatically. People are able to upload their banners too. Detailed statistics are provided for each of them.
Rated 3.67/5 (73.33%) (3 Votes)
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