Home » Mobile » Software » Pickchat Instant Message Application
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- Pickchat Instant Message Application
- 53
- 476
- Windows
- Commercial License
- $750
- N/A
- 27/08/2020
- 13/10/2020
- Alexann
- https://www.pikchat.co/
- chatsdk chatapi instantmessagingsdk instantmessagingapi instantmessagingforbusiness
The Digital Revolution
We live in an age where communication drives progress. And instant messaging has transformed the way we communicate with each other, in a very dramatic way.
Today, everyone uses a smartphone, and we practice most of our communication through applications like WhatsApp or Telegram.
The era of good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation is definitely not over. But still, instant messaging is much more convenient and effective.
How Can Instant Messaging Help Your Business?
Most companies rely on third-party chat software like WhatsApp or Telegram to communicate within the organization. These apps offer many useful features, but they share one thing in common. They are third-party applications.
It’s much more convenient and secure to have an instant messaging application that is completely customized for your business.
Why PikChat Instant Messanger SDK?
Building an instant messaging application is no small task. There are literally thousands of things to look for and takes months of design and development even if you have a big team to work on it.
PikChat is a chat SDK for Android and IOS that lets you build customized instant messaging applications for your business.
While most mainstream chat software is for the masses, PikChat allows you to create a secure and convenient space for you and your users to connect.
Where Can You Use PikChat?
PikChat can be customized for any industry you can imagine. Whether you are looking for a chat solution for your business where you and your clients or customers can communicate, or if you are looking to create the next hit messaging app, PiKChat is the best chat SDK that you can get.
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