Home » PHP Scripts » Random Items » PHP Random Password Generator Script
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- PHP Random Password Generator Script
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- 1728
- Linux,Windows,Unix,Mac OSX,Sun Solaris
- Flat File,MySQL,Microsoft SQL,PostgreSQL,Access
- Free
- 1.2
- 21/12/2010
- 23/12/2010
- Life.Object
- http://www.tutorialchip.com/php-password-g...
- php random password script class
PHP password generator is a complete, working random password generation class written in PHP. It allows the developer to customize the password by upper letters, lower letters, numbers, symbols, length and strength.
Generate random password by using 4 inputs i.e Alpha Upper (A-Z), Alpha Lower (a-z), Number (0-9) and Special symbols.
You have flexible power to choose desired length for random passwords.
Complete control ( Switch On or Off ) over 4 basic inputs to generate passwords of different strengths.
Class uses built-in PHP features to generate password with speed and accuracy.
Class will generate random password by taking the entry of every selected input instead of general randomization
Class will produce a powerful and secure password by avoiding repetition of selected input
PHP5 or higher
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